Chapter Seven

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Snake found her strength to ignore Antonio as he silenced himself in the locked room, she calmly wondered down the stairs. She noticed Isaac sitting at the dining table with a microwave meal in front of him.

"Where's Griffin?"

"He went home for the day." Isaac glanced up at Snake "I can tell him to come back."

Snake shook her head "He deserves his rest. I have a guest. His not to be disturbed, no matter how loud he gets. If someone arrives at my door, than you need to make sure my guest stays silent."

Isaac nodded "I'll let the others know."

"Isaac, do you have children?"

Isaac almost choked on his food; he hadn't heard Snake ask any of her men personal questions before "No. I don't." He didn't bother asking if Snake did, under the short five years he had been with her, he had only known Snake as a one woman show; a woman who didn't love another nor a woman who cared for another "Is everything okay?"

"Yes." The cold voice seeped into the air as Snake moved her attention to the kitchen.

Snake hadn't realised how much harder this was going to be on her, she thought she'd be able to handle something as simple as Antonio. He wasn't a big bad wolf; he was nothing like Mr Tonio, but she couldn't find the strength to treat him the way his father wanted her to treat his son.

Snake hated her thoughts as Antonio sat silently upstairs, she hated that she agreed to this.

She felt her guilt wash over her as she reached for a glass, she filled it with water. Her eyes fixated on the glass of water, her thoughts almost felt like they were terrorising her as she stared at the still water, she felt like the world around her was caving in.

Snake breathed deeply as she felt her grip tighten around the glass.

She jumped a little when she realised how tight her grip really was.

"Snake?" Isaac rushed into the kitchen; he noticed blood dripping down her arm.

Snake looked up at Isaac "Careful." Softness escaped her words as she opened her hand, carefully dropping what wasn't stuck in her hand into the kitchen sink.

Isaac rushed to the kitchen cupboard; he pulled out the first aid kit. Without a second thought Isaac was by Snake's side, he helped run her hand under water clearing what he could to find how bad the wound was.

He held her hand in his as he grabbed the tweezers from the first aid kit, trying to remove whatever glass he could find.

"I can get Griffin."

Snake shook her head "I can survive without him." She almost caught herself lying.

Isaac didn't speak another word as he wrapped Snake's hand up.

"Just don't tell anyone it was from a glass smashing."

"I can say your guest did it." Isaac tried to come up with an excuse.

"My guest is a coward." She sighed.


"This is the first time that I don't know what to do with a guest."

Isaac didn't understand, his boss was normally on top of her game. He hadn't realised that this particular guest had shaken her enough to change her attitude.

"I thought I could do it. This whole stupid thing. This mess. This pain..." It was almost as if she was trying to find an excuse for herself "If my guest was any other person, I would've known how to handle it but this one...this one comes with many burdens, lies and plenty of secrets."

Isaac listened; he hadn't heard Snake say anything like this before.

Snake looked down at her bandaged hand, she looked down at the sink covered in her blood, she noticed the shards of glass still on the floor.

"I can clean it up."

Snake smiled a little "Thank you." It was almost spoken in a daze.

"Why don't you sit down, just take a moment?" Isaac wasn't sure what to do, he hadn't been in a situation like this before nor had he had the chance to be entirely alone with his fearful boss.

"No." The word sharply escaped her lips "I can't cower in fear, I can't let it tower over me." She gritted her teeth as her hand ached.

Isaac wasn't sure how to respond to that, he had never know Snake to be a coward. He had know her as a demanding woman, a woman who didn't care for the damage brought to her doorstep as long as she knew how to fix the problem than she was fine but this, this was something different. He could see new emotions written over her body, he couldn't see the woman he would normally jump for, instead she almost seemed like a different woman standing in a daze in front of him. 

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now