Chapter Thirteen

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Snake stopped the car at an abandoned industrial area, Antonio didn't understand why as he stayed in the back seat.

Griffin reached into the glove back and pulled out a gun.

Antonio felt himself cower with fear, fearing this would be the last thing he'd ever see.

Snake calmly stepped out of the driver's seat; Griffin followed suit as he held the gun in his grip.

Snake stepped away from the car, moving closer to a wooden fence line. She stopped roughly in the middle of the fence line and her car, she turned to face her car.

Griffin waited by the passenger door, he wanted to know what plan she had. He quickly noticed the look across Snake's face, he pulled open the backdoor.

Antonio swallowed his fear as he stepped out of the car, he waited by Griffin's side.

"Give him the gun." Snake let her words be heard.

Griffin stood in shock, he sensed he knew what mess she was about to cause.

"Don't disobey me." She let her words hurl at Griffin.

Griffin reluctantly reached the gun out to Antonio, Antonio looked at the gun as if it was the worst thing he'd ever come across.

Snake watched as if it was the most annoying thing she'd ever witnessed. She watched as Antonio finally took a hold of the gun "Shoot me."

"What!?" Antonio and Griffin both spat in confusion.

"I want you to shoot me."


"Snake, I very rarely disagree with you but this instant."

"I'd rather the son than the father." Snake chose her words carefully.

Griffin eyed Antonio; Antonio felt like he was going to pass out with panic.

His hand shook as he held the gun up, his vision felt like it was going blurry as he thought he pointed the gun at Snake's chest. He felt himself shake with fear.

Snake held no fear as she watched.

Antonio let his finger find the trigger.

Antonio felt the gun snatch from his hand, he looked at Griffin.

"He can't even hold it without shaking." Griffin barked at Snake.

Snake kept her focus on Antonio; he needed to learn; Antonio would have no choice "Show him."

"Are you out of your mind?"

Antonio watched as if he was a child caught in the middle of a grown up argument.

"He needs to learn, Griffin. Antonio has no choice."

"And you think him killing you would teach him."

"If he can kill the woman who was forced to abandon him than he can kill anyone."

The sentence hit Antonio's ears, he wanted to know what she meant as he watched the woman in white move closer to the two males.

Griffin heaved with annoyance.

"Your teaching him." Snake marched towards her car.

Griffin huffed as he reached out the gun to Antonio "You'd think your fool of a father would at least teach you this."

Antonio hesitated for the gun.

Snake sat down in the passenger's seat of her car as she watched Griffin move Antonio closer to the fence line, she watched Griffin hold restraint with each failed attempt Antonio took at shooting the wooden fence.

She was surprised to see Antonio lose his ability to flinch after several attempts. She knew with time he'd get better. She watched as Griffin showed Antonio how to load the gun, watching as the two men started to almost bond over a brutal item.

Snake watched as Griffin smiled and pat Antonio's back with pride, noticing Antonio's prideful smile.

She had missed so much; she knew she was counting her days with her son.

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now