Chapter Eleven

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Snake felt a new presence as she jolted her eyes open, Antonio still holding onto her. His sobs had stopped.

"Griffin." She spoke with confusion "I thought Alex was next."

"Isaac rang me. He seemed worried about you." Griffin stood held his confusion and curiousness behind his tough stance.

Snake pursed her lips together "Antonio."

Griffin almost jolted when he heard her speak Antonio softly.

Antonio opened his eyes as he lifted his head up to his face, he quickly jolted in his seat as he noticed Griffin. Antonio kept his arms tight around Snake; almost fearing for his life.

"Griffin. Antonio. Antonio. Griffin."

Griffin noted the young man's lost look as Griffin stared down Antonio "Snake. May I?"

"Finish your sandwich, Antonio." She gently pulled his arms away from her body.

Griffin lead Snake into the front entrance "Are you serious!?"

"DON'T." She raised her hand ready to slap him.

"Don't. You know what you're about to do."

"You think I don't know that." She gritted her teeth as she lowered her hand.

"I know you said it involves the Ariovaldo's but this. This isn't what I thought you meant."

Snake heaved as she folded her arms across her chest "It's been twenty-seven years."

"And this is how your going to do it?"

Snake pursed her lips "This wasn't my choice. None of this was my choice. You of all people should know that."

Griffin felt his chest puff up.

Snake placed a hand on his chest "Trevor doesn't know but he will."

Griffin depuffed his chest as he stared into Snake's eyes "He'll know too." He looked into the dining room.

Snake nodded "His father's already lied to him, at least I'll die with the truth free."

Griffin placed his hand over Snake's hand as it stayed on his chest "I'm not leaving."

Snake looked up into his eyes "You can't protect me."

Griffin heard the truth in her voice, he couldn't protect Snake no matter how much he tried. They both knew that, but he still wanted to try. 

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now