Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Kill him."

"What?" Antonio stood with panic as he stood across with his father bonded to the chair.

"I said kill your father." Snake knew if Mr Tonio wasn't dead, she'd forever live in fear of her upcoming death.


"God sake, Antonio. It's not that fucking hard to kill a man." She noticed Griffin by her side "Give him your gun."

Griffin silently prayed Snake wouldn't die as he pulled his gun from the inside of his jacket. He reached the gun to Antonio.

Antonio looked at the gun than up at Griffin's face.

"GRAB THE FUCKING GUN. SHOOT YOUR FUCKING FATHER!" Snake stared at the three men "Shoot him in the heart. I doubt he has one but at least he'll be dead."

Mr Tonio fixed his gaze on his son.

Antonio could feel himself panic, he felt like sweat was dripping his face, he felt like his suit was soaking with sweat.

Snake glared at the two men.

Griffin made an attempt at blocking Snake getting shot if anything went wrong.

Mr Tonio smirked as he kept his gaze on his son.

A snarl slipped across Snake's lips; she hated that the man bounded acted so calm.

Mr Tonio let laughter slip through his lips.

Antonio stood in confusion, the gun by his side.

"You fool of a woman. You were stupid back than and your stupid now." Mr Tonio tossed his glance to Snake.

Griffin gritted his teeth, his fist clenched.

Snake huffed forward, ignoring Griffin trying not to make it noticeable he was protecting her. She slapped Mr Tonio across the face.

"Didn't sting before and doesn't sting now." Mr Tonio beamed with delight "Guess you didn't know how pathetic our son truly is." He noticed Antonio not react "You told him."

"Of course I told him. I'm going to die, and he needed to know. You piece of shit!"

Mr Tonio laughed "Guess you don't know this than Antonio. Your mother doesn't kill people. She gets others to do it for her."

Snake's face dropped.

"Why do you think she wears white? It's not to get married. Twice a whore." Mr Tonio took delight speaking before feeling the hit of bare knuckles across his cheek.

Griffin flexed his hand trying to hide the sting.

Mr Tonio looked up at Griffin "Finally got your balls back."

Antonio didn't understand what was happening.

Snake tried to conceal her expression behind her poker face as she turned her attention to Antonio "You have a choice. Shoot your father, right here, right now or be the reason your mother dies."

Antonio didn't understand what sort of choice that was "She's always been dead." Tears rolled down his face.

Mr Tonio beamed with excitement. He calmly stood up.

Griffin's face dropped; he thought Mr Tonio was tightly secure.

Snake didn't move as she noticed Antonio's tears, she noticed Mr Tonio calmly walk to Antonio's side.

"You see Lorraine, you will always lose. I kept you alive to remind you of your sad pathetic life."

Snake ignored the tears as they rolled down her cheeks.

Mr Tonio yanked the gun from his son's hand.

Griffin felt like his feet were glued to the ground.

Mr Tonio raised the gun to Snake's chest before smirking "I will keep you alive for as long as I like." He lowered the gun.

Griffin breathed out in relief.

Snake's face dropped.

Mr Tonio loved seeing the expression across her face, the expression of relief, the expression of sorrow, the expression of he had finally won "Your home is neutral territory. What kind of monster do you think I am?"

"Griffin out." Snake let the softness of her voice be heard.

"What?" Griffin refused to understand.

"OUT!" Snake screamed at him.

Mr Tonio watched. This wasn't his scene to interfere with.

"Antonio. Get out." Mr Tonio spoke cruelly to his son.

Antonio didn't hesitate, in this moment he felt fear run through him. He rushed out of the garage and through into the kitchen.

"Griffin. Please." Snake hated that she had to beg.


Snake shook her head as she turned her attention to Griffin "Please keep my boys safe."

Griffin felt his heart sink into the dark as he lowered his head, he slowly walked out of the garage. He closed the door behind him.

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now