Chapter Two

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Snake watched as the landline phone attached to the wall, rang. She just watched as it rang in front of her, she liked keeping it as a decoration in her kitchen.

Phones in her career could always be used by the enemy, she knew no one would call her unless it was to get her to confess to something she didn't or did do.

Snake stormed up through to the front door, she yanked open the door before noticing the front gate slide close.


Snake hated that voice; she knew she didn't owe him a thing as she turned her attention to the man sitting on the porch swing. He was only a decade older than her, but they had long been in each other's grasp for way too long.

"Do I assume that you were the one who just called?" Cruelty dripped from her lips as if it was the only tone she knew.

Mr Tonio smirked as he rose up to his feet "You should know by now, I'd never call." He stepped towards the woman in white, he took note of her greying hair as she stood in front of him. He watched as she folded her arms "Judging by that car..."

"None of your business, Mr Tonio." Her skin crawled as she spoke his name "Did you only come here to interfere with my business?"

Mr Tonio loved her quick wit "I have a job for you."

Snake couldn't help herself as she burst out laughing "In all the years we've known each other, Mr Tonio comes crawling to me for a job. I don't do your dirty work." She took pride in spitting her sentence.

Mr Tonio kept calm as he studied the woman in front of him "This one you'll love."

"Answer is still no."

Snake took a step back, trying to slam the door in Mr Tonio's face. He managed to find his strength to stop the door from slamming in his face as he forced it open.

Snake huffed as she stopped trying to close the door "I've noticed that you came alone."

"I know you, Snake." Mr Tonio didn't appreciate her threat.

"You knew me, Antonio." Snake studied Mr Tonio's face, age had hit him harder than her. She knew the man standing in front of her as the man full of hatred, full of regrets, full of guilt, full of pain and full of fear.

Mr Tonio had no care for the damage he caused, even if it meant his past was about to haunt him.

"Now if you don't mind, I have things to do." Snake let the sentence be the last thing he heard when she surprised him by closing the front door.

"It's about Antonio."

Snake looked at the closed door, she swallowed hard. She knew she was going to regret this; she swiftly opened the door.

"Knew that'd get your attention." Mr Tonio took pride in speaking the sentence.

"You have five seconds, Antonio." She refused to let him under her skin.

"Antonio is taking over."

Snake scoffed "Liar. You wouldn't even let Satan take over if he asked you."

"I'm serious."

Snake scoffed again.

"I'm getting too old for this."

Snake quickly realised he was serious.

"We both know I can't continue being the head of it all."

"What does this have to do with me?" Snake folded her arms.

"His supposed to be marrying Vera Melana."

Snake smirked, she knew something Mr Tonio and his son didn't know.

"I can't have my son marrying her without a title."

"Your running out of time, Antonio."

"I want you to change him."

Snake didn't understand.

"His a chicken. He doesn't have the grasp of anything in this world. I can't have him be the head of families, they'll eat him alive."

"That sounds like a you problem, why should I care?" That question almost pained her to say.

"Just scare him. Toughen him up."

"Your losing your point."

"Snake. Please."

It had almost taken everything in Snake not to collapse, she couldn't remember the last time Mr Tonio had used manners.

"You must be desperate." She let a sigh escape from her lips "One condition."

Mr Tonio listened.

"He learns the truth from me."

Mr Tonio felt his body tense up, he felt his words escape from his thoughts, he felt every inch of his tough exterior almost soften into a protective father stance.

"You've made it this far, Antonio. He will learn the truth from me."

Mr Tonio exhaled deeply "If you succeed than you can tell him." He didn't want to eat his words "If you fail..."

"He won't ever know." Snake felt pain slip through her words.

"I'll be at Belandi's. Noon sharp."

Snake watched as the final sentence hung in the air, she watched Mr Tonio turn his back and step down her veranda. She watched as he shoved his hands in his pockets, letting himself walk alone down the driveway. 

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now