Chapter Seventeen

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Snake woke alone in the bed; she didn't linger too long on Antonio no longer being in bed with her. She was going to hold tight to the few moments she had with the son she wasn't allowed to see.

She placed her shoes on before walking out of the bedroom, she noticed Griffin close the front door "Who is it?"

Griffin twisted his attention to Snake as she stood at the top of the stairs "I was just telling Gary to go home."

Snake nodded. She needed to keep the people around her small until she worked out a plan "Where's Antonio?"

Griffin flicked his gaze to the dining room.

Snake calmly stepped down the stairs, she couldn't show off the power she once held. It now felt weird once her secrets were starting to unravel.

Snake noticed Antonio sitting with his back to the entrance of the dining room "Has your father ever taught you to never keep your back turned?"

Antonio twisted his attention to Snake "He has."

"And what are you doing?"

"Griffin's here."

"You can't use my men; this isn't how it works. Griffin could easily kill you without me even noticing."

Griffin was proud to hear the compliment.

Antonio swallowed hard as he rose up to his feet, he shuffled over to a chair facing towards the entrance of the dining hall.

"Has your father taught you how to pick your trusted?"

Antonio looked up at Snake as he sat down in the chair "Is this how it goes? You reveal your my mother, though I was told she was dead and now you act as if it means nothing. I go back to not knowing who you are."

Griffin watched Snake.

Snake stood proudly in front of Antonio, with the table in between the two of them "What would you like me to do, Antonio? Pull you into my arms and never let go? I have two sons and neither of you have ever experience what many would call a normal mother."

Antonio wished he had swallowed his words.

"I've raised only one of you, but he has still dealt with the cruelty of never calling me mother, his dealt with the cruelty of never having me ever say I love you." She swallowed her pride "So, I ask again. Antonio. What am I supposed to do?"

Antonio lowered his head "Whose my brother?" He rose his head up to Snake.

Griffin couldn't help but smirk as he watched a cocky Antonio knowing full well Snake wouldn't hurt Antonio the way she would hurt someone who backchatted her or took her words out of context.

"His your half-brother. He has rules on when his allowed to reveal the truth." Snake felt the empty words escape her heart.

"Can I call you mother?"


Antonio pursed his lips "Whose his father?"

"Doesn't matter." Snake knew when to keep her cards to her chest "Now, Antonio. Tell me has your father taught you how to pick your trusted?"

Antonio inhaled deeply through his nose, he felt like he was running in circles as he watched Snake study him, he watched as Griffin stared at Snake. Maybe Griffin knew who Antonio's half-brother was? "No."

"Do you see this." She looked at Griffin as he stood by her side "He had twenty-seven years to teach Antonio how to be powerful and yet he raised a coward."

"I'm not a coward."

"You ARE!" Snake let cruelty drip from her sentence "Your father is a cruel bastard. He took you. Raised you. He failed at raising you to be just like him. You are a coward."

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now