Chapter Twenty-Six

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It felt like grief had hit Antonio the hardest, he was afraid to go near his father, yet he had no choice. He had to carry on as if Snake hadn't entered his life for a spilt moment before being forcefully torn from his heart.

Trouble had kept his promise to his mother by revealing everything that Antonio didn't know.

Griffin already knew how to keep one son safe and protected, he struggled to keep Snake's promise by protecting Antonio.

Both Griffin and Mr Tonio knew that Antonio wouldn't be allowed to come towards the life Snake once knew.

Two weeks after Snake's death, Griffin had received Snake's ashes. He knew she wanted her wishes followed, even if they'd be hard for him to fulfill.

He stared down at the urn sitting alone on a small table by a small dug up hole within the rose garden.

Griffin closed his eyes for a moment as he stood alone, listening to the sounds of the outdoors.

His heart was about to be buried; he wasn't ready to finally put it to rest.


Griffin slowly opened his eyes; he saw his son standing in his red suit by his side. Griffin smiled a little before noticing Antonio stepping out of Trouble's shadow.

Griffin nodded slightly at Antonio.

Antonio managed a barely there smile.


Griffin held his composure as he moved his attention to the side gate, seeing Dominic standing with worry.

Dominic indicted Griffin over.

Griffin didn't say anything as he rushed over to Dominic.

Trouble and Antonio watched as the two males tried to hide their conversation.

Trouble and Antonio watched as Griffin disappeared from their view.

Griffin couldn't hide his grief as he stormed up to the front gates, he couldn't hide his grief as Mr Tonio stood alone outside of the gates surrounded by Snake's five men.

"Open the gate." Griffin managed to sound strong as he yelled.

The gate slowly slid open.

"If it was up to me, you wouldn't be here." Griffin let emotions take over him.

Mr Tonio curled up his lip, history between him and griffin had always been rough, they both knew after Snake's death that it wouldn't ever change.

Griffin lead Mr Tonio through the side gate to the small funeral.

Mr Tonio noticed Antonio and Trouble standing side by side, he acted like he was surprised to see the young men together. He knew of Snake's wishes; he knew of Trouble's reveal.

Mr Tonio wished he could feel insulted that Antonio had arrived before him, but something inside of him deep deep down had forced him not to lash out at his son.

The father and son had struggled with their relationship more than ever.

Griffin stood by Trouble's side "Trever. Antonio."

Mr Tonio stood to the side of his own son.

The two young men looked up at Griffin.

Griffin nodded towards the small table with the plain urn engraved with a snake symbol.

Trouble and Antonio knew the urn didn't need two people, though neither put up a fight as they laid one hand each onto the urn. Carefully balancing it between themselves.

"Goodbye, Mum." Trouble knew it'd be the first and last time he'd ever say mum.

Antonio quickly glanced at Trouble "Goodbye, Mother." Antonio rested his eyes on the urn.

Trouble didn't react.

The two young men carefully knelt down, gently placing the urn in the small dirt hole. They turned their attention to Griffin.

"Snake did all she could in this world. Wealth and Greed at the forefront as she battled on." That was all Griffin could managed as he looked down at the urn.

Mr Tonio watched the three of them, watching as the two young men rose up to their feet, watching as Antonio reached out his hand to Griffin, watching as Griffin pulled Antonio in for a tight hug, watching as Griffin pulled Trouble into the hug, watching as the three men mourned for a woman who knew she was always hiding from her past. 

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now