Chapter Five

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Snake stepped out of the car; she slammed the driver door of her rolls royce. She breathed in deeply before quickly exhaling.

She slipped the keyring of her keys over her ring finger.

Snake took pride in storming into Belandi, she took pride in noticing the staff were scared of her, she took pride in Mr Tonio sitting with his back turned to the door, she took pride in seeing Mr Tonio sit across from his son, she took pride seeing two brutes sit away from Mr Tonio and Antonio.

Snake slammed her hands down on the table Mr Tonio was sitting at.

Mr Tonio calmly placed down his knife and fork while Antonio tried to act brave as he stared up at the woman he didn't recognise.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Mr Tonio?" The power in her voice rose.

"I certainly threw first, didn't I?" Mr Tonio calmly reached for his glass of water.

Snake straightened up her posture "Antonio. Up. NOW!" She glared at his son.

Antonio looked at his father, Mr Tonio shifted his focus to Snake.

"I won't say it again." Snake gritted.

Antonio wanted to beg for his father's help, he didn't want to go with Snake.

"ANTONIO" She pulled him towards her by his jacket.

"Dad?" Antonio heard the fear in his voice.

Snake forced Antonio up to his feet "Say goodbye to your asshole of a father, this may be your last chance."

"Dad?" Antonio felt his eyes water.

Mr Tonio returned to casually eating his lunch.

"Dad?" Antonio begged.

Snake gripped onto Antonio's shirt, pulling him along with her.


"SHUT UP!" Snake gritted as she pushed him forward.

Antonio hated that his father wasn't going to step in and save the day, not that Mr Tonio really saved the day.

Snake pushed Antonio towards her car "If there's a dent cause of you, I will skin you." She threatened "Now in and shut up."

Antonio felt himself quiver with fear as tears rolled down his cheeks.

Snake paused at the front of her car "Christ, you Ariovaldo men are useless." She huffed back towards Antonio, she yanked open the passenger door and forced him into the car, slamming the door shut.

Antonio crumbled in the front seat of Snake's car. 

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now