Chapter Four

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Snake sat down on the edge of her bed; her black high heels dumped by the door of her bedroom.

She breathed slowly as thoughts swirled her mind. She had to deal with Mr Tonio in the morning, she had a story to share with Antonio and she had her own family to look after, she had to keep her face up.

Snake looked up as she heard a knock on her bedroom door.

"Everyone's sent home for the night." Griffin stood proudly in the doorway.

Snake nodded.

Griffin went to turn his back.

"Griffin." She softly spoke.

Griffin turned his attention back to Snake.

"I trust you."

Griffin took pride in that sentence; he had worked for Snake for almost twenty something years. He had been there when the worst happened to her, when her heart was ripped from her chest and he was the one who had helped her rise up to be the woman every man feared.

"I need you to do something for me."

Griffin listened.

"It involves the Ariovaldo's."

Griffin felt his jawline tighten.

"I know." She breathed "I know." She softly spoke "I know I can trust you." She breathed "I know that I'm not going to win this. I know that whatever is going to happen, They'll come out on top."

Griffin knew he couldn't hide his poker face as she spoke.

"I need you to promise me that everything will be revealed. Tell Trevor everything is in my safe and when I die, it needs to come out. Everything."

Griffin nodded "Anything for you, Snake."

"And Griffin."

Griffin straighten his stance.

"Don't get involved."

Griffin understood what that meant, he knew it was their simple code for whatever was going to happen, Griffin wasn't allowed to be the one to kill anyone who may kill Snake.

"Thank you." She smiled softly up at him "Goodnight, Griffin."

"Goodnight, Snake." He reached for the door handle of the bedroom door, closing it behind him before walking down the stairs. 

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now