Chapter Ten

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Snake pushed open the office door, she noticed Antonio hunched over in the chair behind the dusty desk.

She noticed how lost he seemed, a young man in a world that he was forced into; just like her.


Antonio drifted his eyes up to her face, he felt like he had no strength to keep going.

"Up." She repeated.

Antonio sighed as he rose up to his feet.

"Does your father repeat himself when he speaks to you?"

Antonio shakes his head.

"Than why do you make me repeat myself." It wasn't a question but rather a statement of frustration, she knew how to keep men under her control but with Antonio, she felt like she didn't know how to.

Antonio stared at Snake; his emotions felt numb.

Snake studied the man standing behind the desk she knew all too well from her past, the very desk she refused to sit behind "You look just like him." She whispered.

It was almost as if the words had meant to hit Antonio's ears as he felt a new beat in his emotions "I get that a lot."

"Come with me." Snake watched as Antonio hesitated to move from behind the desk "Antonio."

"Just kill me, already." It was almost like he was begging for her to end his life.


Antonio quickly dropped his eyes to the desk, seeing the dusty imprint of where his arms had sat. He sighed softly "No doubt I'll break. If you don't kill me than my father will."

Snake felt a hard lump in her throat as she struggled to swallow her emotions "You've survived. You'll keep surviving."

"I won't kill you."

Snake heard the softness in his voice, she heard the torment in his words.

"Just...get it...over with." Antonio slowly brought his eyes back to Snake's face.

"Follow me."

Antonio swallowed his emotions as he felt his feet shuffle towards Snake. He followed in silence as she lead him down the stairs, he followed in silence as they stopped in the dining room.

"Are you hungry?"

"Are you going to make my last meal?" Antonio couldn't help his whimper.

Snake smiled a little "I never make last meals." She beamed with a grin as she stared at Antonio, he felt chills down his back "Sit."

Antonio felt his body tense up as his body refused to move, his eyes watched as Snake pulled back a chair that sat to the right of the chair at the head of the table. His eyes watched as she walked out of the dining, he felt himself drop down in the chair.

It almost felt like Antonio was playing the role he had grown accustomed to being in. He heard Snake move around in her kitchen; he caught glimpses of her as she moved around the kitchen.

He watched as she came into the dining room carrying a small plate with a sandwich on it and a glass of water. He watched as she placed them down in front of him.

Antonio stared down at the sandwich before looking back up at her.

"It's food, Antonio."

"I know it is but why?"

Snake sat down at the head of the table "You're a curious young man, I'm surprised he never took that from you."

"He tried." Antonio picked up the sandwich "Father tried to take everything from me."

Snake listened; she knew that feeling. She had know Mr Tonio all too well, she had her own life with him once.

"You look like him, but you aren't him." Snake pondered out loud "If you were, you would've broken down that door and come down with such force that I would've been dead without a second thought."

"I don't like killing."

"You've done it?"

Antonio almost choked on the biteful of his sandwich.

"You didn't like it?"

Antonio placed down his sandwich, reached for his glass of water and took a sip.

"Who was it?"

Antonio stared at the sandwich on his plate, stared at the bite he had taken "I was sixteen. Someone in father's men tried to turn on him, the guy should've known better. Father doesn't yield." He looked up at Snake "Father was sitting right there." He indicated Snake's chair "The man came up to father, pulled the gun to the side of his head." He swallowed his emotions "I was sitting right here."

Snake listened.

"I don't know how it happened; someone shoved a gun into my lap. I had to. Either that or watch..." Antonio trailed off "I could feel my hands shake; I went numb. It was a blur. I fired and fired and fired and fired and fired until the gun was empty." His lower lip trembled.

Snake reached her hand out, she placed it down on top of Antonio's hand.

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he looked down at their hands "Last thing I remember was locking myself in the bathroom. Father said he was proud of me but how could he be? I killed someone."

"You had no choice, Antonio." There was a spark of care and softness in her voice.

"You know what I did when I locked myself in the bathroom? I begged for my mum. How pathetic is that? Sixteen years old, crying for his dead mum. Who does that?" Antonio brashly used his free hand to wipe his face "Like she was going to help me."

Snake felt a stab in her heart as she heard his words like she was going to help me. She wanted to reveal the truth, she wanted to reveal that he was closer to his mother than ever before, she wanted to reveal everything about her past, but she knew she couldn't, she knew that if she did than he'd hate her even more, she knew if she did than she'd might as well be dead.

Snake rose up to her feet, she stepped closer to Antonio.

Antonio didn't protest as he felt himself being pulled into her arms, he rested his head against her chest as he cried, he wrapped his arms around her waist as he held her tight, letting his tears fall.

Snake wrapped her arms around him tightly, she didn't want to let go of him as she closed her eyes. 

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now