Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Griffin stopped at the rose garden, letting the sun set around him.

He looked down at the two plaques by the edge of the rose bed, his heart broken as he stared down at mother and son resting side by side.

Antonio III Ariovaldo.

May he find his peace.

Griffin looked at the shadow stopped by his side, he allowed his gaze to find who the shadow belonged too.

Mr Tonio reached out his hand.

Griffin slipped his hand into Mr Tonio's.


Life had been cruel to all those that had entered the world of Greed and Wealth, neither winning a battle. Both losing love and heart, both losing what they feared to lose, both hiding behind the walls of power while neither allowing the other to attack.

Truce came too late.

Lies revealed too late.

Pain surrounded the beauty of life. 

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now