Chapter Sixteen

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Griffin stepped through the silent house. He kept his senses alert as he quietly closed the front door.

He instantly regretted leaving Antonio and Snake alone, he noticed the cupcakes still sitting on the dining table. He noticed the kitchen empty; he noticed the lounge room empty.

Griffin silently tiptoed up the stairs.

He stopped at the top of the stairs as he listened to the silence.

Something had gone wrong, his gut kept trying to convince him something had gone wrong while his heart started to fill with heartbreak.

Griffin carefully moved through the upper floor; he notice the office door opened.

The room was empty.

Griffin swallowed his fear as he continued through the upper floor.

He pushed open her bedroom door.

The room was empty.

He pushed open the bathroom door.


His chest heaved with panic as he continued to look for Snake, the one woman in his life that he promised he'd never leave her side.

Griffin pushed open another bedroom door.

He breathed out a sigh of relief as he still kept his guard up.

Snakes heels had been kicked off by the side of the bed.

Antonio laid asleep in his suit, curled up into Snake, her arms around him. Her eyes closed as the two of them laid together on the bed.

Griffin snuck into the bedroom, he kept his eyes on Snake and Antonio. He automatically assumed she had told Antonio; he knew there'd be no other reason to see the two of them huddled close together.

Griffin carefully reached his hand out, placing it on Snake's shoulder.

Snake jolted awake; she looked up at Griffin "I had to."

"It's okay." He softly smiled at her.

"I got the phone call."

Griffin felt himself lower his head.

Snake uncomfortably reached one of her hands to Griffin's, Griffin felt her touch. He looked up at her face.

"We knew this was going to happen. It's always been on the cards." She whispered as Antonio stirred.

Snake and Griffin shifted their attention to Antonio, Antonio nestled himself as close as their bodies would allow into Snake.

"We should get..."

Snake shook her head before Griffin had a chance to finish his sentence "Trevor can't. Not yet. Please."

Griffin pursed his lips together.

"At least one of my son's had a chance."


Snake shook her head "These are my wishes. Trevor knows his place. If it wasn't for you, who knows how I'd raise him."

Griffin wanted to take the compliment, but he knew he couldn't. Trevor wasn't destined for this life; Snake had tried to push her son away as much as possible while Griffin had forced her to at least keep the relationship with one of her son's. 

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now