Chapter Twenty-Two

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Snake slammed the garage door shut. Her hair a mess, her white dress slightly crumbled as it covered her body.

Her body heaved with agony and hate.

She stormed through the dining room, empty.

Griffin startled awake as heard her loud footsteps, he hadn't seen Snake like this in decades. He jumped to his feet as his body stood on high alert, he spotted her at the bottom of the stairs "Snake."

She forced herself to look at the man she once loved.

His face dropped "Think about this. Your sons. Second chances."

Pain reached her soft smile before she huffed up the stairs.

Griffin felt like he was frozen to his spot as he watched her move around the second floor.

Snake barged open the bedroom door, she flicked on the bedroom light. She noticed Antonio pretending to be asleep under the blanket "UP. NOW." Heartbreak snuck into her tone "NOW!" She yanked off the blanket.

Antonio laid in his suit minus his jacket and tie.

He opened his eyes, taking in the sight of the woman who had revealed herself as his mother.


Antonio sat up. He tried to prepare himself for what was about to come but he didn't know what to expect.

"What does your father do when you make him wait?"

"I don't."

"Than don't do it to me." Snake turned her back.

Antonio scrambled to his feet, he struggled to keep up with Snake as she rushed down the stairs.

Antonio noticed Snake take one last glance at Griffin, Antonio could've sworn he had seen a flicker of love wipe across her face.

Snake refused to let any other emotion take over her as she slammed open the garage door.

Antonio stood in silence; his mouth wide open.

Sitting between Snake's rolls royce and the black car was a man in a black suit, his head hidden under a black fabric bag. His hands tied behind his back.

"Take it off."

Antonio swallowed hard, he let caution take over as he stepped forward. He slowly reached out his hand, taking caution as he took of the bag from the man's head "Father?"

Mr Tonio sat with anger; his lips smudged with blood.

Antonio looked at Snake. 

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now