Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Antonio, get up." Griffin swallowed his grief as he looked at the young man.

Antonio couldn't. He didn't want to.

Griffin tried to stay tough as he stormed up to Antonio, he pulled the young kid up by the collar.

Antonio struggled to hold Snake in his arms, he reluctantly let her body drop to the ground.

Griffin dragged the young grief stricken man out of the garage. He dumped Antonio on a chair at the dining table.

Griffin forced himself to hold back his grief as he picked up the landline phone in the kitchen, he dialled a number he knew off by heart "I would like to order a pizza."


Griffin ignored him "Supreme."


"For Snake." Griffin ignored Antonio as the young man tried to hit Griffin's chest. Griffin hung up the phone, he wrapped his arms around Antonio.

"Pizza..." Antonio cried.

Griffin held Antonio with one arm as he picked up the phone again, dialling another number he knew off by heart "Trevor." He slowly placed the phone back down. He wrapped his arms around Antonio, allowing the young man to cry into Griffin's shirt.

Griffin felt sorry for the young man in his arms, the young man had been lied to about his mother, he had been forced to deal with lies that were never meant to be revealed, he was forced to choose, and he was made to feel like this was his fault.

Griffin forced himself to assist Antonio back over to the dining table, letting the young man drop into the chair.

Griffin straightened his jacket as he took a deep breath, grief had to be buried alive.

He heard a knock on the front door.

Antonio let his teary gaze look up.

Griffin didn't hesitate as he moved towards the door, he opened the front door seeing a plain white van in the driveway. He noticed someone standing in a blue hazmat styled outfit.

"Pizza for Snake?" it sounded like a woman.

Griffin nodded before noticing the back door of the van open, seeing four people in the same blue hazmat styled outfit step out of the van, he noticed the driver of the van step out of the car "Back here." He lead the people in the hazmat's through to the garage.

Antonio watched. Was he supposed to say something? Was he supposed to move? He hadn't seen these people before.

"Your familiar with the toppings?" the woman spoke.

"As per Snake's request."

The woman in the blue hazmat suit nodded before closing the garage door on Griffin.

Griffin stared blankly at the closed door; he took a second before returning his attention back to the dining room.

Antonio jolted in his chair as he noticed Trouble running through the front door.


Antonio watched as Trouble froze with truth, watching as the red headed male closed his eyes as the young red head male took in the news.

Griffin pulled Trouble into his arms "It'll be fine, Trevor. We both knew this was coming."

"Who did it?" Trouble looked up at his dad.

Griffin refused to speak.

"My father did." Antonio's soft voice break the mourning.

Trouble looked at Antonio "She said he'd do it." he took a second to find his thoughts "That means..." He looked at Griffin.

Griffin nodded.

Trouble lowered himself down into a chair at the dining table "She told me to stay away. This was why."

Griffin nodded as he sat at the head of the table, it made him feel uncomfortable to be sitting in the spot Snake once sat.

"Sorry, your name's Trevor."

Trouble stared at Antonio's face before shifting his attention to Griffin.

Griffin shook his head slightly as if he had to answer a question.

Trouble returned his attention to Antonio "When do I...?"

Griffin looked at the two young men on either side of him before looking at Trouble "When your ready. Right now, the delivery of pizza is in the garage."

Trouble took the words as a caution.

"My father took her car." Antonio wasn't sure if he was supposed to say that.

Griffin shrugged slightly "That isn't our priority."

"Yet you ordered a pizza. How is that any different?" Antonio let grief spit out.

Trouble leaned forward in his seat "You don't know, do you?" he noticed Antonio's expression "What code do you use when someone's died, and you need someone to come clean up the scene and dispose of the body?"

Antonio didn't understand "So, your acting like Snake is just somebody? That woman said she was my mother and your acting like that's not important."

"She was my mother too, Antonio." Trouble needed to stay calm "You don't know her."

Antonio now finally understood who the little red head in the photos was, it was Trouble. The same red head sitting across from him, the same red head that had attended many meetings, the same red head that had grown close with the Melana's, the same red head that was there with information when needed, the same red head who was also close to the front yet in the back at the same time.

"Trevor." Griffin calmly spoke "Antonio."

The two young men look at the man sitting at the head of the table.

Trouble slowly rose up to his feet, he let himself escape from the dining room, heading out to his car.

Antonio tore his eyes away from Griffin, almost allowing himself to chase after Trouble.


Trouble stopped at the bonnet of his car; he shifted his attention to Antonio.

"I'm sorry."

Trouble felt the sting of the words hit his heart "It wasn't your fault, Antonio."

"It was. Is." Antonio sighed "if it wasn't for me, than maybe..."

Trouble shook his head "We aren't our parents mistakes. Snake always told me that." He managed a small smile "She said, no matter how many mistakes she made in her life, that I wasn't allowed to be blamed for her actions. She would say the same thing about you. This wasn't our battle to be part of, never was."

The two young men listened as foot stops neared towards them, they turned their attention to the driver of the van stepping back into the drivers seat before watching the van slowly move closer to the driveway.

The two young men watched as the garage door opened, they watched as the back of the van opened.

"What happens now?" Antonio let the question soak into the evening air.

Trouble watched as he caught a hint of a body bag shift into the back of the van "Nothing."

Antonio returned his gaze to Trouble.

"Antonio. We go on living. That's her wishes."

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now