Chapter Three

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Snake watched as her dining room filled with six of her men, she watched as they sat comfortably around her hand carved dining table, she watched as they comfortably spoke to each other.

Snake had went to the effort of making her men a meal for dinner, it wasn't something that she would regularly do but it was something that the men had randomly been accustomed to.

The six men knew when something was on their boss' mind when she cooked them something to eat, they knew not to question it. They just knew to savour the rare, relaxed moments.

Snake reached for her wine glass, she didn't care for their conversations, they didn't speak of their job at her dining table; it was a rule that work was off limits, the men were free to chat about what they please within reason.

She looked around her plain dining room, her house didn't scream of love and family; her dining room was no different, it didn't even scream of power. It screamed of a woman who had fought her battles and forced herself to never give up.

Red carpet laid under their feet, plain white walls surrounded them and block out black heavy curtains hung closed over the window.

She looked up at the men dressed in plain fitted suits, the youngest in front of her was only twenty and the oldest in front of her was a man in his fifties though with his physical appearance he looked much older.

"Alex." Snake let her voice be heard over the men's chatter.

Alex pulled his attention away from the conversation and towards Snake.

"Can you assist me with the food." She rose up from her seat.

Alex nodded; he had learnt this morning not to call her ma'am.

No one made a sound as Snake and Alex stepped through into the kitchen, none of the six were children; they knew better than to start making playful jabs about being alone with Snake.

The silence followed as Snake and Alex carried several trays through to the dining table.

"It's not much gentleman but it's enough. Roast chicken, vegetables, roast potato and pumpkin." Snake casually mentioned as her and Alex placed the trays down in the middle of the table "Enjoy." She sat herself down at the head of the table.

Griffin rose to his feet.

Snake looked up at the aging gentlemen who sat directly across from her.

"It seems Alex forget the sauces." Everyone knew better than to blame Snake for forgetting to bring something to the table.

Snake nodded.

Griffin stepped towards the kitchen.

Snake watched as the gentlemen filled their plates with food, enjoying the home cooked meal on their plates in between sips of glasses of water.

Griffin placed down a small gravy bowl, as well as sauce bottles in the middle of the table. He retuned to his seat before dishing food onto his plate.

Snake let their sounds of eating fill the room. She noticed Sebastian with only a small plate of food "Is my food not good enough for you?"

Even without saying his name, everyone knew who Snake was talking to. Everyone turned their attention to Sebastian; he had been working with Snake for only two years. He knew the rules, most of the times.

"I'm just full, I took my wife out for lunch." Sebastian truthfully admitted.

Snake pursed her lips "Continue." She spoke out loud to the men at her table.

No one dared to question Snake not eating, no one dared to question her as she sipped her glass of wine.

Snake watched as Sebastian pushed his plate slightly forward, she watched as his barely touched plate laid on her dining table.

She rose up to her feet, no one questioned her.

No one questioned Snake as she stopped behind Sebastian, no one questioned Snake as she placed her hands on his shoulders.

Everyone stopped eating.

Snake dug her hand into the potato and vegetables on Sebastian's plate "It's rude to turn down the chef's meal." She used her other hand to clench his jaw forcing his mouth open. Snake took pride in shove the handful of food into his mouth.

Sebastian felt her burning gaze in his eyes, he felt her nails dig into his cheeks as he struggled to remove her hands from her face, he could feel his gelled hair starting to loosen. He felt like he was choking on the food being shoved down his throat, he felt like he was starting to struggle to breath as he struggled to fight away her hands.

Snake leaned down to his ear before whispering "Never say no again. Got it."

Sebastian struggled to nod as her nails drew blood in his cheeks.

Snake removed both her hands from his face, she wiped her food covered hand over his jacket "Clean yourself up." She casually spoke "When your done, it's your night to clean."

Sebastian swallowed hard as he rushed to his feet, rushing out of the dining room.

Snake looked around at the five men around her "A woman doesn't cook for nothing."  

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now