Chapter Nine

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Snake needed to keep her strength; she had twenty-seven years of secrets to keep hidden. She had told herself that she needed to keep it secret, her life was on the line with her secrets.

She found the strength to walk down the stairs, she noticed a red headed male standing in a red suit, casually leaning on the dining table talking to Isaac.

"What have I told you about slouching, Trouble." Snake quipped at the red head male.

"Sorry." He straightened his stance.

"I assume, you're here to tell me something I don't know?" There was a hint of care in her voice.

Trouble looked at the woman in front of her, he noticed her tear stained cheeks, he noticed her bandage hand "Do you need assistance?"

"What have I told you about interfering? This isn't your business, Trouble. Why are you here?"

Trouble cleared his throat, at twenty-nine years old he knew better than to overstep his boundaries. Unlike Antonio, Trouble didn't have to stay in this lifestyle it was something he had chosen to do after learning about Snake's career.

Snake acted as if nothing was the problem as she waited for Trouble to respond to her.

"There was a meeting last night."

Snake sat down at the head of the table; Trouble sat down next to her. Isaac didn't move from his spot.

"Antonio's taking over, and Vera Melana is supposed to be married into their family."

Snake smirked "I know."

Trouble didn't understand, he knew Snake was hidden from the crime world, he knew she used him as a messenger to find out what was happening outside of her walls. He didn't know about Antonio upstairs, nor the game her and Mr Tonio were playing.

"Did you know she disappeared this morning?"

Snake didn't understand.

"Tommy told me. She just lost it. Left home and didn't say anything to them."

Snake glanced her up eyes upwards to the ceiling. She wondered how much this was going to affect Antonio.

Trouble studied the woman sitting across from him, he had known her all his life. He always knew when to cross the line and knew when to stay behind it when it came to Snake, he assumed she had a guest upstairs judging by the way she had glanced up at the ceiling, he assumed that she had matters to deal with and he was supposed to stay out of it.

"Trouble. I need you to stay away from a while. I haven't decided for how long, but you aren't to come here for a while."

Trouble nodded; he knew better than to question. Since he was a child, he had always been told to stay out of the way and now was no different.

"What I do need you to do is stay safe." She reached her bandage hand towards him.

Trouble lifted his hand to the table, letting Snake gently grasp it in her's. He smiled a little at her.

"Promise me, Trouble. You will stay clear."

"Yes, Snake."

"Isaac, please escort Trouble off the premises and make sure you pass along that he isn't allowed on the grounds until further notice."

Isaac nodded, rose up from his seat before walking towards the front door.

Snake watched as Trouble rose up from his seat, she could see it in the young man's eyes. Trouble cared for Snake, he almost felt like he had no choice but to genuinely care for her.


Trouble shifted his attention back to Snake.

"Stay safe."

"I will. I always do." Trouble leant down and kissed Snake's cheek, breaking protocols.

Snake didn't reprimand him for it instead she silently watched the red head man be escorted from her home.

She sat alone in the dining room; she drifted her eyes up to the ceiling as she listened to the front door close.

She quickly dropped her eyes down to Isaac as he stood in the dining room entrance "I need some time alone."

Isaac nodded.

"No one is to enter my home until I say so."

Isaac nodded again.

"Whose on after you?"


Snake pursed her lips together before rising up to her feet "Let him know, everyone is to stay out of my home."

Isaac nodded.

Snake almost felt like she had to glare at Isaac as if he was waiting for another command.

Isaac quickly straighten his posture before moving towards the front door and outside.

Snake inhaled deeply than inhaled slowly.

Antonio had only been in her house for less than two hours and she had already found herself struggling, she had already found herself filled with guilt, she had already felt herself fill with the past, she had already felt herself lose at this stupid game that she never once begged to be part off.

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now