Chapter Six

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Snake had managed to keep her sanity as Antonio cried the whole drive, begging for any ounce of let go.

The rolls royce pulled up into the driveway, Antonio took notice of the two storey home. He noticed how plain the front of the house looked, almost as if it wasn't well known that a criminal lived behind those doors.

Unlike his father's home, he couldn't see the hordes of black cars sitting around the front.

Antonio watched as a garage door was opened, he noticed a black car parked next to an empty spot, he noticed how tidy and boring the inside of the garage looked.

Snake parked her car in the empty spot "You better not mark my car when you get out." She stepped out of her car, slamming her door shut.

Antonio found his strength to work up the courage to step out of the car, he carefully closed the passenger door shut "I..I ..."

"Don't care." She folded her arms "Follow. Now."

Antonio obeyed; he tailed behind Snake as she stepped through into the house. Antonio noticed the lack of detail as he followed behind her, her house almost reminded him of the coldness of his father's home, almost reminding Antonio of the love lost as time had gone by.

Snake lead Antonio quietly up the flight of stairs to the second level of the house.

Antonio could feel himself shake with fear with each step, Snake almost reminded him too much of his father.

"Are you a coward, Antonio?" Snake cooly asked.


Snake hated when she had to repeat herself, she stopped in front of a closed door. A golden plaque with it's name etched off was the only thing that made the door different to the other doors on the same floor.

"Are you a coward, Antonio?"

Antonio puffed his chest up as he tried to hide his fear "Now, why would I be a coward?"

Snake burst out laughing "Your pathetic."

"Excuse me!? Pathetic. How.."

Snake slapped him across the face "How dare I? You don't know what hell you've entered into. You sit with your father by your side, listening to every little word he commands. Playing his little good boy. You're afraid of your own shadow and that's all you'll ever be."


Snake slapped him across the face again "I'm what?"

Antonio felt the sting across his cheek, he felt his eyes water.

"Thought so." She had no fear turning her back on Antonio as she unlocked the door "Your father knows where you are, wonder how long it'll take for him to grow a heart and save you." She pushed Antonio into the pitch black room, locking him inside.

Antonio banged on the door, begging to be let out.

Snake rested her body against the wall as she closed her eyes. She needed to have the strength to keep going. She felt guilty for slapping Antonio twice across the face, she felt guilty for yelling at him, she felt guilty for shoving him around.

Her eyes shifted to the door as it struggled against Antonio's bangs.

She almost felt guilty for the young man, only in his mid-twenties and with the weight of the world against him. 

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now