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Griffin had finally found some ounce of comfort on the lounge as he closed his eyes, with Antonio upstairs in one of the guest rooms and Snake forcing Griffin to stay behind as she left the house.

He had a history of regrets. Regrets for not fighting for his family. Regrets for not ignoring Snake's plea's of leaving her alone. Regrets for not trying harder against Mr Tonio.

He knew with having Antonio in their home, it was going against everything he hated about the Ariovaldo's.

Griffin knew he couldn't go against Snake's wishes and stop caring for Antonio, it wasn't the young man's fault. He knew he couldn't be at close distance once this was all over, he knew Mr Tonio would most likely skin Griffin alive if it wasn't for Snake forcing Mr Tonio not to touch her family.

Griffin knew life was about to tear his heart out and he wasn't allowed to stop it. 

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now