Chapter Twelve

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Snake and Griffin silently returned to the dining room. Snake sat down at the head of the table; Griffin sat on the left of Snake.

Griffin felt the need to use Antonio as a target, having a sinking feeling that Antonio was going to do something unexpected which kept Griffin on edge.

"Antonio's killed a man." Snake mentioned casually.

Griffin flicked his attention to Snake "Just one?" he scoffed.

Antonio lowered his gaze to the now empty plate.

Snake darted her eyes at Griffin, she understood what he was trying to do. She wanted to reprimand him but didn't "Do you know what this young man did?"

Griffin smirked as he waited for the answer.

"Locked himself in the bathroom, crying."

Griffin let a cruel sound of laughter leave his mouth.

Antonio sat in his chair feeling as small as possible.

Snake refused to say Antonio was begging for his mother, that sentence had made her heart shake with guilt when Antonio had mentioned it "His nothing like his father." The cruelness dripped from her lips as if it meant nothing to her.

Griffin smirked as he shifted his attention to Antonio "This will be fun."

Antonio twisted his hands around themselves as he hid them in his lap.

Snake let her cruel gaze lay on Antonio as she watched the young man, unlike the men around her she didn't have a reputation to uphold. She didn't have to lie to the world about who she was to those around her, but she did. She had to. She hadn't always been in this life.

Antonio tried to hold his gaze between Griffin and Snake, but he felt too weak to keep up the toughness that they showed him. He didn't understand how one minute Snake could be cruel and the next she attempted to show him a nice side to her, she didn't remind him of his father instead Snake reminded him of the Vera Melana; a young woman whose the head of her family, the niceness she showed to her family while dripping with cruelness towards him and his family.

"Do you know it's rare for woman..."Antonio barely found the words to finish his sentence.

"I know it's only myself and Ms Melana."

Antonio nodded; Griffin kept alert.

"This is a man's world, Antonio. Her and I both know that. Ms Melana and I are quite similar, though unlike her I did once have a choice. If it wasn't for a foolish thing like love, than I wouldn't of been here." Snake watched as Antonio furrowed with confusion.

Griffin gave a throaty cough trying to steer Snake away from the topic.

"He'll learn." Snake bit at Griffin before returning her attention to Antonio "Before things changed, there was endless families of wealth many under the protection of families like yours. My family came from wealth and men like your father prided themselves on terrifying the masses. Families like mine, used it to our advantage." Snake sat with pride at the head of the table "Your father and I crossed paths."


Snake side eyed Griffin.

"Is that why your holding me captive, to get back at him?"

Snake felt her lips curl into smirk as she returned her attention to Antonio "Your about to become the head of the families, correct?"

Antonio swallowed hard as he nodded.

"What happens when the head of a family is captured?"

Antonio hesitated as he shrugged.

"Now if you hadn't noticed, you've been in my house for less than a day and your father hasn't barged into my home."

Antonio's face dropped.

"He'll come but he'll take his time."

Antonio dropped his gaze back down to the empty plate in front of him, he always assumed he was the last person his father would ever think of and now with Snake admitting it, Antonio knew that his father didn't care.

"I'm supposed to train you, not hold you captive."

"It seems you don't know what training means." Antonio scoffed as he looked up at Snake.

Griffin watched Snake's calm reaction.

"There isn't a difference." Snake took pride in speaking her sentence as she stared down Antonio.

Antonio tried to hide his fear.

The two men watched as Snake rose up to her feet "I think it's time you learnt."

Griffin quickly jumped up to his feet, he wondered what she had in mind. Antonio looked up at the both of them.

"Up. Now. Follow." Snake lead Griffin out towards the garage.

Antonio scrambled to his feet as he followed behind, he felt his heart race as they stood in the dimly lit garage.

"Antonio. In the backseat. Keep your head down." Snake watched as Griffin sat down comfortably in the passenger seat while Antonio tried to find comfort in the backseat as he kept himself as small as his body would allow.

Snake sat down in the driver's seat as the garage doors rolled open.

She made no hesitations as she turned on the engine of her rolls royce, reversing out of the garage.

Snake spotted Alex sitting on the steps of her veranda, scrolling through his phone. She stopped the car in front of him.

Alex jumped his attention to the car.

"Alex. Go home."

Alex didn't understand.

"That's an order." Snake didn't hate Alex; she knew he wasn't accustomed to this life. She remembered his poor excuse of needing to make sure his wife would be taken care of.

Alex noticed Griffin in the passenger seat, he caught a glimpse of the man in the backseat trying to hide his face with his hands.

"Be with family." Griffin spoke with a fatherly tone.

Alex barely had a chance to react as he watched the rolls royce drive out of the gated property. 

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now