Chapter Eighteen

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Antonio looked at the bedroom, he had shared with Snake earlier in the day. He twisted his attention to Griffin "Who are you?"

"Griffin." He kept it short.

"No. I mean. Who are you?"

"Griffin." He repeated.

"I mean." Antonio paused as he tried to find his words "The two of you, you have a past. History. Correct?"

"Antonio. You only need to know what Snake choses you to know."


"Ask her."

"I can't. She runs in circles with her answers."

Griffin breathed out a small sound of laughter "She always has. It keeps everyone on their toes. Your mother and Ms Melana are the only two females in this world. Even when I was a child, it was wrong for woman to lead a family. She had to always stand behind her husband. When Snake and Mr Tonio tragically divorced, they changed the rules."

Antonio couldn't find his thoughts; his parents had changed the rules "Can they do it again?"


Antonio lowered his head as he sighed before looking up at Griffin "I've never liked this world. I'm expected to be just like my father, I'm nothing like him. I can't be like my mother; I barely know her. Who am I supposed to be?"

Griffin couldn't answer that question. It wasn't his to answer.

Silence fall between them.

Antonio watched as Griffin closed the bedroom door.

He deeply breathed as he stood alone in the bedroom.

It wasn't Snake that had made Antonio realise he was nothing like his father, it was Antonio. It was the pain that he had endured during his childhood, it was the heartbreak he had to deal with, the rules. The hate. The cruelty.

He stared at the closed bedroom door. He was controlled in nearly every aspect of his life.

His marriage was planned. His seat was planned. His life was planned.

Antonio couldn't remember the last time he had felt an ounce of freedom.

Maybe Snake had helped him open his eyes, she was supposed to hold him in her home. She was supposed to be cruel to him. She was supposed to have him begging for mercy, yet she barely did. Yet, she barely cut the surface of the pain he was used to.

Antonio felt tears roll down his cheeks.

This was the first time he was able to gain some sense of belonging even if he still didn't feel like he belonged.

This was the first time Antonio had been seen as himself rather than as his father's son. 

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now