Author's Note

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Thank you for reading Trouble with Lies, I hope you read Pull the Trigger beforehand. If you didn't, were you still able to follow along with the story? 

Originally this wasn't going to be connected with Pull the Trigger but as I started to rewrite this world, endless rewrites. I realized I could connect the two but the connection was hard because (SPOILER ALRET) Antonio does die in Pull the Trigger, so I really only had a short window to write him into, as well as realising that if I was going to connect this with Pull the Trigger than I'd have to change details about Vera's story. 

As per usual, I appreciate those who read this story. I hope you enjoyed it and I value your comments.

Thanks, again. 

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now