Chapter Fifteen

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The car ride was a silent one as Snake drove them back to her home, she noticed no one sitting on the steps of her porch as she drove into the garage.

She stopped the car before silently getting out of the car.

Griffin and Antonio followed her lead, letting Snake lead them back into her home.

"One of these days, I'll wring Alex's neck." She mentioned as she noticed a pastel blue cupcake box on the dining table, Zasha's Bakery written in white cursive font sat on top of the box.

Griffin carefully stepped towards the dining table; he carefully flipped the cupcake box lid open.

Inside sat four plain cupcakes, a small note was taped inside the lid of the cupcake box.

Snake noticed the note, she recognised the handwriting.

She's disappeared. News has hit hard; I wasn't sure who else to ask.

- T.

"Griffin, go over there and check on them."

Antonio looked at the cupcake box, he went to reach for a cupcake.

Snake slapped his hand "Does your father not teach you anything."

Antonio retreated as he looked at the note "Whose it from?"

"A mutual friend." Snake turned her attention to the young man "Because of your stupidity and your father's arrogance, a young woman seems to have disappeared. She only does this when she feels she has no other option. Griffin. You need to go talk to them. Tommy knows what to do but I doubt Zasha and Tony do. Let them know without letting them know that I'm here and so is Trouble."

Griffin nodded before quickly exiting the home.

"Your so quick to blame my father and I for everything yet you've told me nothing. You can't be as saintly as you assume you are. You hide in this home, thinking it'll protect you but your just like my father."

Snake slapped Antonio across the face "I'm nothing like him." She let her words fill with anger before letting guilt wash over her for hitting Antonio, she wanted to say sorry to him but held it back.

Antonio tried to hold back his tears as he felt the sting of his cheek.

"You have a place in this world, Antonio. If your father hadn't taught you this by now than you'll be eaten alive by much worse than me."

Antonio felt his chest heave as he stared down Snake, he wasn't sure what her tactics were by trying to scare him, but he was having enough of it.

Snake lifted her gaze to the kitchen as she listened to the phone ring, her jaw tighten as she stood still "Get it."


"Get the damn phone."

"And you say my father taught me nothing. Phones are the enemy."

"Get the damn phone, Antonio."

The rings of the phone continued as Antonio and Snake stared down each other.

Antonio realised Snake wasn't going to get it herself, he knew his father had drilled it into him to never ever dare go near a phone and now Snake wanted him to answer the phone. He felt his teeth grind against each other as he huffed to the kitchen.

Snake cautiously watched him as Antonio picked up the phone, he didn't speak as he listened to the silence on the other end.

Antonio listened to the call end before slowly placing the phone back in its spot. He looked at Snake, noticed her filled with fear "There was no one. It was just silence." He watched as he could've sworn he saw her shiver with dread.

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now