Chapter Twenty-Four

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The sound of a gun shot echoed through the garage.

The screams of Antonio echoed through the kitchen.

Griffin knew what sight he was about to see as he pushed open the door.

Mr Tonio pushed Snake away from him.

Red began to soak through the chest of her white dress.

Antonio ran up to Snake, he managed to catch her before she had a chance to hit the floor. He cradled her in his arms as tears rolled down from his eyes.

Mr Tonio stood tall and proud as he chucked the gun towards Griffin.

Griffin barely managed to catch the gun as grief took him.

Mr Tonio calmly walked towards Snake's car; he sat in the driver's seat before starting the engine.

It was planned. Planned right down to the detail.

Mr Tonio may have been the one who had started it but Snake was the one who had planned to end it.

Mr Tonio took one last glance at his son cradling the mother he barely knew before reversing out of the garage, driving away from the damage he had inflicted.

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now