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The thing you need to understand about the old legends is that the story is never finished. There may be no pages left to turn, but there is always more to the journey. Rising from the Netherworld, the Demon Bull King attacked. No one could stop him, no one could resist. No one except... the legendary Monkey King. The Monkey King used his magical staff to pick up a nearby mountain. He trapped the Demon Bull King underneath it. The Monkey King sealed the mountain with the staff that no other being could wield, trapping the Demon Bull King forever. With the battle won, the Monkey King vanished, never to be seen again. Legend says the staff still lies on top of that mountain, the one thing keeping our world from certain destruction. And with the Demon Bull King gone, civilization was able to advance into the amazing city we now live in. A world of elegant cultures, gentle loving people, a city brimming with five-star cuisine, and all because of the Monkey King.

But what about the warrior's story?

Y/n's P.O.V
I yawned, stretching and getting out of bed. I looked over at my brother's bed, and he wasn't there.

"Probably downstairs in the restaurant." I mumbled.

I began doing my daily routine, like brushing my teeth, brushing my hair, and getting dressed for today.

I grabbed my black jacket, putting it over my f/c shirt.

Before I left, I quickly grabbed my red scarf off the dresser, wrapping it around my neck.

"There, now to get this day over with."

I ran down the stairs, only to see MK about to get hit with a spoon.

I quickly grabbed the spoon before it made contact with his face.

"*Sigh* Let me guess, Mr. Tang tried to get free noodles again." I sighed, laying the spoon on the counter.

"Yep, no one gets a free meal at Pigsy's! I'm not running a charity here, Tang!" Pigsy glared at the guy in glasses.

"Ah, but Pigsy. I was paying with wisdom." Tang replied simply.

"Yeah? Well, wisdom doesn't pay the rent, you freeloader! And you two!" Pigsy pointed at me and MK.

"Both of you have been slacking off all morning! I've got a dozen orders that need to go out, so quit slacking and get packing!" He yelled at us.

"My alarm didn't go off."

"Yeah, I was about to take my break. So..."

"Alarm? Break?! There's no alarm and break in war! I need workers. Soldiers in the army of Pigsy's Noodles, home of the world's longest noodles. How else am I gonna expand my business into enemy territory?" Pigsy looked at the both of us.

I rolled my eyes. "Pigsy, do you mean the restaurant across the street?"

"I stand by my statement! Now, hurry up!" Pigsy huffed, noticing Tang with a bowl of noodles.

Pigsy grabbed his spoon, getting ready to attack Tang.

"Hey, get back here, you coward!"

"No, Pigsy!"

"I want my money."

I facepalmed, grabbing my brother by the hood of his jacket before he could sneak off. "Come on MK, the sooner we get these deliveries done, the sooner you can listen to Tang talk about the Monkey King."

After a minute, I sat my deliveries in the compartment of my motorcycle.

"Why do you always get the cool stuff?" MK complained, looking at his tuk-tuk.

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