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Y/n's P.O.V
I was sleeping peacefully, until the whole room started to shake, making me fall out of my bed, and onto my face.

"What? Earthquake! Oh, no-o-o-o." I hear my brother scream.

I stood up, seeing the whole apartment cluttered.

"All my pwecious pwossessions." MK said sadly.

"Oh forget about your precious possessions, what the heck was that?" I rubbed the back of my head.

Completely ignoring me, he started running around in a panic. "Huh? 9:01. Were late for work! My staff, my staff, where's my staff? Staff? Pigsy's gonna kill us!"

"MK! Get ahold of yourself." I grabbed him by the shoulders and started shaking him.

"Ok, ok, but we have to hurry, you know how Pigsy gets when we're late? He said he would fire us the next time we're late."

MK started running around again. "Socks. Jacket. Bandana. Don't forget your scarf." He threw my scarf at me.

"Let's go."

Quickly making our way downstairs, MK started begging for mercy.

"We're here Pigsy! I'm so sorry we're late."

"We overslept, and I guess the alarm wasn't set, or it didn't go off, even though I don't remember going to bed." I said, trying to wrap my head around on what was happening.

"Yeah, there was this earthquake, and-and-and--please don't fire us." MK was begging on his knees.

I crouched down, giving him a pat on the shoulder.

"Fire you? Ha! Why would I fire you two?" Pigsy turned around, smiling.

Hold up, Pigsy never smiles.

Something ain't right.

"Uh, well, last time you said, "If you are ever one minute late again, you two are fired." I imitated Pigsy.

"I said that?" Pigsy said in confusion.

"That doesn't sound like my best friend Pigsy." Mr. Tang smiled, standing beside Pigsy.


Everything started shaking again.

"It's happening again!" MK freaked out.

"Again? What are you talking about?" Pigsy asked.

"Did you not feel that?" I gave Tang and Pigsy a dumbfounded look.

"Feel what?"

"I think MK and Y/n got a real case of the Mondays, hmm?" Tang said.

"Hmm, maybe it's an inner ear thing?" MK said.

"Wait, MK, your staff." I turned to him.

"Oh yeah." He tried to summon his staff but wasn't able to. "Yep. Uh, must be in there real good."

I tried to summon my staff but failed miserably as well.

Macaque's gonna kill me if I lost my staff.

"*Laughs* Your staff ain't in your ear kid, and I don't know what your searching for Y/n, you don't have a staff." Pigsy laughed.


"Oh. That's a relief. Wait, where is it?" MK sighed, realizing he doesn't have his staff, and neither do I.

"On top of the mountain, sealing away the Demon Bull King and his entire family." Tang explained to us.

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