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Y/n's P.O.V
"I look like a cantaloupe." I whined, laying back on the hospital bed.

"You look fine." Redson held my hand.

"But I look like a balloon." I said.

"You'll be fine, at least we'll get to find out the genders of our babies today." He rubbed my stomach.

"Yeah, I still can't believe we're having twins. Also, another thing." I looked at him.


"The baby shower is tomorrow at your place, what if we do a gender reveal?" I suggested.

"Sounds like a good idea, but instead of pink and blue, we can do red and purple." He said.

"I like that. Ooo, what if the way we reveal the genders is by lighting two torches, and whatever the color of the flames are, shows us what the genders are." I told him.

"I'd like that too." He kissed me on the cheek.

A few minutes later, Dr. Kelly came in. "Alright, ready to find out your babies genders?"

"Yeah, but if it's alright, we want to wait to see the genders." I told her.

"Yes, that's alright, now lift up your shirt." She said.

I did what she said as she administered the gel, waving the probe on my stomach.

As she did this, I noticed her name tag. "Hmm? Doctor Kelly C? What's your last name?" I asked her.

She froze for a minute before regaining composure. "It's uh...uh...Carmine, Doctor Kelly Carmine." She smiled nervously.

"That's nice." I smiled back.

She chuckled nervously before clearing her throat, pulling out an envelope. "Inside has your twin's genders, I'll see you in a few weeks for another check-up." She said, handing us the envelope and leaving in a hurry.

"She seemed..."

"Scared when you asked her about her last name, yes." Redson finished for me.

"It's fine, at least tomorrow we'll get to know our babies gender." I caressed my stomach.

"Yeah, you're right, but that nurse still seemed suspicious." He helped me off the hospital bed.

"She probably was just caught off-guard when I asked her what her last name was." I shook it off.

"I'm just worried, that's all." He hugged my side.

"I know, and that's one of the reasons I love you." I gave him a kiss.

"Yeah, I love you too, now let's get going, you're probably hungry." He held my hand.

"Definitely." I laugh.

"What are you craving today, my dear?" He asked me.

"Uh, f/f, and I want you to cook it, I like it when you cook." I leaned on his shoulder.

"Anything for you dear." He kissed my forehead.

At DBK's fortress, Redson's home, we sat at the dining table with DBK and PIF.

"Have you found out what the genders are yet?" PIF asked us.

"No, we wanted to have a gender reveal tomorrow at the baby shower." I told her.

"And how do you want to reveal it?" She asks.

"Y/n came up with the idea of lighting torches, and the color of the flames tells the gender." Redson told his parents.

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