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Y/n's P.O.V
We landed in another chapter, which happens to be a swamp.

MK and Mei screamed as Tang fell into the swamp, getting beaten up by an alligator.

"Don't worry Mr. Tang, I'm coming." I jumped up, body-slamming the alligator.

After successfully rescuing Tang, we sat off to the side as Mei wrapped a bandage around Tang"s head.

"Dang, I had a really good feeling about this chapter! I mean pigs love mud puddles." MK said.

"And snuffing for truffles." Mei added.

"That's it! This Tang has had it! We've been through a bajillion chapters from Monkey King's Journey to the West and I feel like we're no closer to finding Pigsy, Sandy, or Monkey King. I'm tired, my feet hurt, and I've had this thing--" Tang rolled up his sleeve, showing a snake that was attached to his arm. "Attached to me since we've been to the chapter with the snake village!"

"Here, I got it." I rolled up my sleeves, prying at the snake on Tang's arm.

"Ah, don't be like that Mr. Tang. It wasn't so bad. Those snake lady demons were actually pretty friendly." MK tried to comfort him in the most horrible way anyone could.

"They tried to eat me!" Tang shouted, which caused me to finally pry the snake off his arm.

"It's not our fault you look so sweet." Mei spoke.

"I just wish we could find our friends and go home." Tang hung his head low.

"Don't worry Mr. Tang, we'll find them." I told him.

Tang lifted his head, a small hope returning, but that soon went away.

"Okay, so I'm totally hearing your concerns and look, I get it! Learning to use your new powers is hard. Trust me, I know. I just think that maybe — and don't be offended by what I'm about to say — maybe if you spent a little less time complaining and a little more time thinky thinking, then we might have found our friends by now? Maybe?" MK said to him, which was clearly insensitive.

"MK! That was very insensitive, he's trying his best." I glared at him.

"Hey! I'm following these vague instructions from this mysterious Azure Lion perfectly! We should have found someone by now. What did Azure Lion tell you, exactly?" Tang asked us.

MK started to explain the rest of the stuff Azure had told us. "And then he said something like, "If your bonds of friendship are strong, then you will always find your way back to one another."

"What? But-But I'm not learned in the mystic arts. I'm a cram-before-the-exam kinda guy. I can't really even use my powers when I want to." Tang said, obviously feeling distress, and MK and Mei weren't helping either.

"Well, might wanna get cramming then, cram boy. Eh?" Mei looked at him.

Tang glares at Mei and started walking away.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going young man?!" MK shouted at him.

"To get cramming, apparently! Hah!" Tang left in a huff.

"Sheesh. Why's he so cranky?" MK asked, clearly oblivious to why Tang was cranky.

Mei leaned on his shoulder. "He's probably just Tangry. You know, when your Tang is so hungry, he gets-"

"Angry, yeah. Tang, hungry, angry. Makes sense." MK finished.

I looked at them dumbfounded.

"What?" MK sees my face.

"What?!" I got mad. "What is wrong with you two? How could you be that insensitive?! He's trying his best!" I practically yelled.

"We weren't being insensitive, we were just telling him that he needs to work a little faster." MK said to me.

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