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Y/n's P.O.V
"Ugh, why did you drag me here?" I groaned.

The reason why I'm upset is cause Pigsy dragged me, along with Tang, out to the market.

"Cause you're helping me find ingredients, so quit your whining." Pigsy said before picking up a carrot.

"Ho ho! Now, this is a beautiful carrot! A couple more finds like this baby and we're golden!"

Tang eyed the carrot in Pigsy's hand. "Looks the same as the last 20,000 carrots we've looked at!"

"Got to agree with Mr. Tang here, they all look the same." I took the carrot.

Pigsy took the carrot back. "Give me that! I wouldn't expect you to appreciate a fine carrot like this. You two ain't no culinary genius, like me." He laughed.

"*Chuckles* My, my, my! You three are making quite a scene. Looking to buy some ingredients? Something tasty? You've come to the right place." A female voice called to us.

I turned to see a woman with purple skin, green eyes, and long black silky hair.

She's pretty but very suspicious.

"Uh...oh! Come on, Y/n, Pigsy, let's just keep going. Huh?" Tang tried to usher us out, but Pigsy already made his way to the woman's stand.

"Y-you are selling beautiful vegetables today?" Pigsy laughed.

"Dude, are you blind? There's nothing there." I told the pig, pointing to the empty stand.

"That's right, sugar, this is the finest store in the whole market. Why don't you come around back and look at my exclusive wears?"  The woman gestured to the dark back area of her stand.


"I'm not sure-"

I was quickly interrupted by the woman.

"I'll even throw in a discount since you're friends with Shadow Girl." She smirked.

Now, this is suspicious.

"Pigsy, I'm not sure, uh-" Tang tried to speak, but Pigsy shut him up.

"Don't wreck this for me! I need this! Plus, we get a discount cause of Y/n."

We followed the woman to the back of her stand.

"A little closer, a little closer!"

We all stopped, seeing a spider symbol on the ground.

Before anything was said, the woman pulls a lever, and we dropped underground.

The last I saw before blacking out, was a giant eight-legged creature.

I groaned, opening my eyes, seeing myself tied up in a web with Pigsy and Tang.

"Oh gross, spider webs, why, just why?" I gagged, trying to get out.

"You just had to go in there." Tang argued with Pigsy.

"*Scoff* She said she had ingredients." Pigsy scoffed at Tang's words.

"There was nothing in the stand, you are blind, I don't even think ingredients were what you were looking for back there." I shouted at the pig.

Our attention was soon turned to two others that were wrapped in webs.

"You tell him. No one likes a know-it-all."

"Know-it-all? You're the know-it-all."

"I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the three new suckers."

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