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Y/n's P.O.V
I sat on the roof of the restaurant with MK and the others, wrapped in a blanket.

"Okay, kids, you got us here at 3:00 am. Ugh, what's so important it couldn't wait till morning." Pigsy yawned.

"You're lucky he didn't get you up at 12:00." I added.

"Oh, my dear Pigsy, sweet, sweet friend. I'm so glad you asked. Me and Y/n have gathered you here because we have unlocked our next mystic monkey power." MK wrapped his arm around my shoulder, standing dramatically.

"Oh! What is it? What is it? What is it?" Mei asks excitedly.

"Teleportation? Cloudwalking. Is it flying?" Tang gasps in excitement.

"No! It's better than any of that! We have begun to learn..."

"The 72 transformations." I interrupted MK.

"Y/n, I wanted to say it." He whined.

"Too bad, I beat you to it."

"Oh-ho-ho-ho! The ancient art that has eluded even the wise masters for centuries? The ability to transform into nearly anything! To become a eagle, a tiger, a gorilla! The power of a God is in your grasp, you two! Show me this power!" Tang grabbed my shoulders, shaking me like crazy.

MK chuckles. "Well, maybe my friend here can show you himself!" MK shows one of his hands, which was transformed into a puppy.

"Aah, hey, little puppy! Ah! MK, you were right. This is the best power!" Mei squeals, ignoring the fact that MK's puppy hand was biting her face.

"I know!"

I raised a brow. "MK, show them the other hand."

"Okay, fine, but just remember like 70% of my job is cleaning." MK responded.

Pigsy crossed his arms. "What's that got to do with--"

MK brought out his other hand, revealing it to be a mop.

I covered my mouth in disgust to keep myself from puking.

"Okay! Yes, so there's some kinks! But guys, isn't this amazing? Plus the mop is super handy for cleaning up after this guy." MK petted his puppy hand with the mop hand.

"Hmm. You might need to do a bit more training, what about you Y/n?" Everyone turned to me.

Mei gasps. "Can you make puppy hands too?"


"Then what can you transform into?"

"Do I have to?" I looked over at MK.

He nodded rapidly.

"Fine." I sighed, focusing on transforming into the one animal I could so far.


I transformed into a cat. "Meow meow b###h."

"AW! So cute, so fluffy!" Mei grabbed me, squeezing me like crazy.

"C-can't breath." I gasped.

"Oop, sorry." Mei put me down, and I immediately transformed back.

Once I transformed back, I saw MK looking over the roof.

"What's going on?" I walked over to him.

"Look!" He pointed to the spider bots, which were stealing Pigsy's sign.

"Spider's, really, haven't we dealt with them enough." I complained.

I heard a loud bang, seeing MK getting dragged by his puppy hand.

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