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Y/n's P.O.V
On Flower Fruit Mountain, we watched as these cracks appeared in the sky and disappeared.

"Uh... at least it's pretty?" Mei said.

Pigsy scoffed. "Oh, sure. If you ignore the strong "end of the world" vibes."

"The pig man is right." Nezha spoke up.


"Azure underestimated the control it takes to wield the power of the Jade Emperor. If we don't stop him, that power is gonna tear this world apart. Monk, the scroll. Have you repaired it?" Nezha turned to Tang and Sandy who were attempting at fixing the scroll.

"One prepared piece of magical bamboo scroll comin' up!" Tang presented the two scroll halves, which was horribly wrapped up in tape.

"You can't be serious. There's no way that'll hold!" Nezha flipped out.

"Hate to agree with Lotus Boy, but that ain't gonna hold for long." I told them.

"There ain't nothin' a bit of tape can't fix." Sandy smiled.

"Alrighty! Now to jump in there and find Monkey King!" MK stood up.

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, pulling him off to the side. "Wait! How do you know that Monkey King is still..."

"What? It's fine! It's Monkey King! That guy is indestructible." MK shook the thought off.

"If that's what you want to think." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Be that as it may, we have no idea what you'll find once you're inside. Or if this magical tape will even hold!" Nezha said.

Sandy lets out a chuckle. "Oh, it's not magical tape."

Tang desperately shushes Sandy and laughs nervously, while Nezha silently glares at the two.

"We have to try. He'd do the same, for any of us." MK said.

Nezha sighs. "You're right. It's worth the attempt."

Macaque appeared beside me and MK.

"Ugh, I can't believe I'm sticking my neck out for Wukong. Again." He groaned.

"Wha?! You're coming too?!" MK looked shocked.

"Oh yeah, I'm making him come with us. We need someone that was there for some of the memories." I somehow made my way onto Macaque's shoulders.

"Y/n's right, and besides, your knowledge of the Journey to the West seems pretty selective." Macaque placed me back down on the ground with his tail.

"What-- You know what? Your criticism is harsh but fair. Alright, LE'GO!" MK shouted.

Tang wasted no time, using his powers to open the scroll and sent us in.

Once we entered the scroll, we ended up in a memory of Flower Fruit Mountain, standing in front of the waterfall, except there was a giant golden crack on it.

"Wukong, what have you done?" Macaque sighs.

"Monkey King did this?" MK asks.

"I mean, I'm not surprised, his cave of Flower Fruit Mountain is messy." I spoke.

Macaque started to speak again.  "It looks like he's been tearing his way through his past. Trying to find his way to..."

"Me." MK finished.

"We need to find him. Fast!" Macaque told the both of us.

"Isn't that him, right there?" I pointed to Monkey King who was wearing a leaf skirt.

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