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Y/n's P.O.V
"Come on Y/n, get up, it's a big day."

I groaned, getting dragged out of bed by Mei. "Come on Mei, Redson isn't  picking me up until 6:00, it's currently 9:30."

Mei picks me off the floor. "Yeah, but it gives us plenty of time to get you ready."

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I looked down at my clothes.

"Well...you wear them every day, besides, with a new look, Red Boy won't be able to keep his eyes off you, first dates are everything." Mei grabbed my face.

"I still don't like this!" MK appeared.

"No one said you had to like it, bro." I gave him a look.

"But it's Redson!" He said.

"Yeah, I know, he's not all that bad." I replied.

"He's literally a villain!" MK exclaimed.

"And you're literally getting on my nerves, sit down before I break your legs."

MK grumbled, sitting back down on his bed.

I turned my attention back to Mei, who had stars in her eyes.

"So, now what?"

"Shopping trip!" She cheered.

"Oh no."

"Here we are, the mall!" Mei exclaimed.

We stood in the center of the mall, looking around at all stores there.

I groaned, not wanting to be here. "Mei, do we really have to do this?"

"Uh, yeah, now first things first, we need to get you a pedicure."

Mei grabbed my hand, dragging me inside a spa.

"One pedicure for my friend here, and make it special, she's going on her first date." Mei told the front desk lady.

"Of course, right this way."

We followed the lady, and she led us to a spa chair.

"Sit right here miss." The lady told me.

I backed up, not liking this.

"Come one Y/n, it'll be fine, it's just a pedicure." Mei pushed me forward.

"Yeah, and that requires people touching me, I don't like people touching me." I tried to run, but Mei grabbed me and put me in the chair.

"It's just a pedicure, you'll be fine."

The lady came back over, with a bunch of other workers.

"Ok, miss, let's start with your nails."

The workers loomed over me.

I looked towards Mei. "Help!"

Mei smiled, giving me a thumbs up.

I glared at her, and then the workers started working on me.

"I feel violated."

"Come on Y/n, it wasn't that bad." Mei said as we walked out of the spa.

"Yes it was, they were touching my hands and feet, it felt weird, I did not like it." I crossed my arms.

"You're fine, now the next thing we need to do is find you something to wear."

Mei and I went to a clothing store, with all sorts of options.

"Let's get started." Mei clapped her hands together, going through all the outfits she could find.

It took a few minutes, but she appeared in front of me, holding a pile of clothes.

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