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Y/n's P.O.V
"Too late, what do you mean by too late?" Redson growled, grabbing Dr. Kelly by the shirt.

"I...I...just let me explain." She stuttered.

"You better start explaining, or else?!" He lit his hand on fire.

"What's going on here?" The others entered the hospital nursery, seeing the scene in front of them.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" Macaque came over to me.

I opened my mouth to say something, but all that came out were sobs as I cried on his shoulder.

"Shh, Shh, it's okay, just tell us what happened?" He said soothingly.

I raised my head, glaring at Dr. Kelly. "She did something to Solar and Lunar."

Everyone turned to her, giving her murderous glares.

"Please, just let me explain." She grunted as Redson tossed her to the floor.

"You better, or there'll be more than consequences to pay for." I stood threateningly over her.

She cleared her throat as she started to speak. "My last name isn't actually Carmine, it's Carmichael."

"Wait, so are you related to Mrs. Carmichael or something?" Mei looked confused.

"Yes, but not by blood. I married into her family when I met her son, Tanuki." She explained.

My heart dropped, upon hearing that name. "Keep talking."

She nodded as she kept talking. "I don't know why I married Tanuki all those years ago, but when he got arrested for killing his own mother, I wanted nothing to do with him, so I visited him in jail one day, wanting a divorce, and said that if I did, he would have me killed, I was too scared cause I knew somehow he would make it happen."

"That doesn't explain what happened to Solar and Lunar, now does it?" Pigsy glared angrily at her.

"I'm getting to that, a few weeks after your first ultrasound, I visited him in jail and told him about what happened at the hospital, then when I mentioned you, and that you were pregnant, he laughed so coldly, saying that if I didn't get rid of your children, he'd do it himself, I didn't believe him cause he was in jail, he couldn't escape, but..." She froze.

"But what?" I asked her.

"But when I went to get more equipment while you were in labor, there he was, in this hospital, saying that if I didn't take your babies and get rid of them now, he would take them and get rid of them himself." She finished explaining.

I felt my whole body shake as I fell to my knees, crying my eyes out.

"I'm sorry, I really am, I tried to get back here before he took them, but I was too late, I'm sorry, I truly am, this is my fault." Dr. Kelly looked down.

Redson grabbed my arm, helping me stand up as I wiped the tears off my face. "Tell me where that m####rf###er is at!"

She nodded, handing us a list of locations. "I don't know where exactly he is, but he should be at one of these 4 locations, that's all I know."

I clutched the list of locations in my hand. "We'll split up and find them and then beat Tanuki's a##."

"Wait, split up, what if we run into him?" Tang asks.

I gave Tang a stupid look. "Tang, if you do, you have powers, now, DBK and PIF will take the first one, Pigsy and Tang will take the second one, MK, Mei, and Sandy will take the third one, while me, Redson, and Macaque will take the last one."

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