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Y/n's P.O.V
I sat next to MK, watching him draw as we made our way to find the third ring. We already got the second one, which was on the moon in Change's Kitchen. For the record, I have never seen Pigsy geek out before until we went to the moon for the second ring.

"So, what are you doing, MK?" Mei asks him.

"Just doodling." He replied.

"Looking good, bud." Monkey King pops in.

"Oh. Did you do any drawings of me, MK?" Tang asked excitedly.

"Yeah. They're over there. I didn't like how any of them turned out, though. It was hard to make you look, uh, cool. You know, you get it." MK gestured to the trash can full of decommissioned drawings of Tang.

"Yeesh, why does that one have a pair of scissors pinning it against the wall?" I stared at it, feeling a little bit concerned.

"What? But I'm like the coolest guy you know." Tang says sadly.

I gave Tang a pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry Tang, you're the coolest to me."

Tang smiled. "Thanks Y/n."

"Hey, guys. Land ho!" Sandy shouted.

We all looked outside, seeing the beautiful and bright city before us.

"Hasn't changed a bit." Monkey King said.

"Okay, maybe it's changed a little." Monkey King said, squished up against the other people in the sky train.

The sky train stops, and we arrive in Lantern City.

Tang held open the map. "So if this map is correct, the last Ring of Samadhi should be around here somewhere. I mean, that looks as good a place as any to look for--hey!" Tang noticed everyone left him, but me.

"Come on, Tang, we can catch up to them."

All of us walked around in what seemed to be a marketplace.

"All right. I remember throwing the Ring around here somewhere." Monkey King started looking around.

"Throw? I thought you hid it?" I crossed my arms.

"Yeah, by throwing it, into the crust of the crust of the Earth, where no one could find it. Keep up, other kid." Monkey King said, still looking for the very well "hidden" ring.

"Is there some kind of festival on?" MK asks, noticing all the decorations and activities.

"Looks like it." Pigsy spoke.

We approached a vendor, which looked very familiar by the way.

"Hi. So what's up, is there some kind of festival going on?" MK asks the vendor.

"Of course. It's the Ring of Light Festival." The vendor said.

"Yeah, going to have to elaborate more on that." I spoke up.

"Legends say that Lantern City was once a desolate village, until Monkey King thrust the Ring of Light into the earth, transforming the city into the prosperous metropolis it is today. Every year we hold a festival celebrating Monkey King's gift of the great Ring of Light." The vendor explained.

"So much for the Rings being a secret."


We all glared at Monkey King, who was chuckling nervously.

"So. You gonna buy something?"

MK bought a lot of stuff, and now we were all decked out in festive apparel.

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