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Y/n's P.O.V
I've been trapped in a void in my head. Being forced to watch as Lady Bone Demon used me to fight my friends and capture Mei.

I'd been screaming for help the whole time, but no one was able to hear me.

"Scream all you want child, no one can hear you, and no one can help you either." LBD's voice echoed.

"Shut up! Just shut up! I can't freaking take this anymore." I shouted.

"You will face your destiny whether you like it or not." LBD said.

"Stop saying destiny. I'm tired of hearing that word already. What destiny?! You keep saying it, but you're not giving me any details." I yelled in frustration.

"Why would I tell you anything when you're already so close." She chuckled coldly.

"Just don't hurt my friends." I growled.

"Why would I do that? They're already planning on coming to rescue Monkey King and the girl, but I won't be hurting them, you will." She said as her voice faded out.

I began crying, my cries not being heard by anyone, just meaningless sniffles inside the void in my head.

MK's P.O.V
The Not Mayor was not helpful at all, but we all figured out the LBD's power is spread out too thin, so there was a vulnerability, and we began to formulate a plan to destroy the mech before she uses the Samadhi Fire.

"We break into the Bone Demon's mech, get Mei out of there, and then we smash the mech into tiny little bits before that terrifying demon knows what's hit her!" I said confidently.

"And what about Y/n? We can't fight her if she shows up--"

I interrupted Redson. "Then we get Y/n back with monkey! This monkey." I pointed to Macaque, who was still tied up.

"Look, I brought you the Lady Bone Demon's lapdog, but I'm not up for being a hero, kid. Besides, I've hurt Y/n enough." Macaque said.

"We don't need you to fight her. We just need you to keep her busy, and hopefully get through to her. As long as she's under her control, the mech's vulnerable. We can do this. You can do this." I looked at him.

"Nice speech, kid. But it's not gonna--"

"Stop. You keep playing at being this bad guy, acting like you're just in it for you, but you're not, I've seen how you want to protect her, and I know, deep, deep down, you're not that guy. Help us. Make it right." I told him.

"I'm not a hero, bud." He said.

"Then be a warrior. If not to help us, but to help my sister."

"Okay, kid. You win." He opened a shadow portal, feeling himself of the ropes.

"What? You could have freed yourself this whole time?" Pigsy shouts.

"What can I say? I'm dramatic."

We were all in the T.E.A, suited up and ready to fight.

"Aw yeah. Let's get this porty started, son." My party clone said.

Redson begins to open a portal on the ground.

"Aw yeah. We have maximum porty, boys." Porty clone shouts.

The T.E.A zoomed through the portal and to the Lady Bone Demon.

"Remind me again how we're gonna destroy this thing?" Pigsy asks.

"Macaque keeps Y/n distracted, hopefully getting through to her." Redson starts.

"We break in and find Mei and Monkey King." Sandy spoke.

"The we use MK's staff to smash the mech to bits." Tang finishes.

"What? But the staff's gone." I said to them.

"No. It's not. Bone Demon's keeping it at the top of the tower. But I don't see how an old stick is going to be of any help. That's probably where Monkey King will be to." Macaque explains.

"That's easy. We'll give her the old Monkey Mech finishing blow. MK always uses his staff to do that." Sandy said.

"Even if it's just a big old stick, maybe it'll give you the power you need to finish her." Tang added in.

"Thus whole crazy adventure started with the staff, so it makes sense that we should use it to end it." Pigsy smiled.

"Okay. I'm glad you guys said that, 'cause I'm not going to lie, I really felt super incomplete without it." I sighed in relief.

"Come on, kid. Let's go." Macaque spoke.

I nodded as we jumped out the back of the T.E.Az transforming into birds, and flew to the top of the Bone Demon mech.

We landed on the top of the mech, transforming back.

I looked up, seeing Monkey King trapped in ice. "Monkey King!"

"Kid, you shouldn't be here, either of you, you need to go." Monkey King said.

"No, I'm not leaving without you or the staff, and I'm definitely not leaving--"

"MK, the Monkie Kid, and the Six-Eared Macaque. Here to embrace oblivion?" Lady Bone Demon appears, making me jump.

"The opposite, actually. I'm kind of on this whole living streak now, so we were hoping maybe you could call off this whole end-of-the-world thing? And maybe give my kid back? Would really help us out." Macaque said, flipping me right-side up.

"The first question, my answer is no, but the second one, gladly."  Lady Bone Demon smirks.

Y/n appears just a few feet away from us, holding her staff.

"To make this fight more fair, I'll even set Monkey King free and give you your staff back." Lady Bone Demon waved her hand, freeing Monkey King and letting my staff fall.

I quickly grabbed my staff, getting into a defensive position.

Monkey King put a hand on my shoulder. "Kid, we need to go, you know very good and well that you can't fight her."

"I hate to agree with Monkey King, but he's right. I know I agreed to help, but even I can't fight her." Macaque said.

"I know, but she's my sister, I'm not just gonna leave her behind again, and I'm not going to fight her." I told the two monkeys.

"Oh, but you will." LBD laughs before turning to Y/n. "Go, my champion."

Y/n sprung forward, and our staffs clashed together.

A/n-So, I am so not ready for the next chapter, and neither will you guys be. My reason is that as I was coming up with ideas on how I wanted it to go, I started crying, so yeah, please prepare yourselves.

Have a good day or night.

Next Up: Destiny Fulfilled.

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