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Y/n's P.O.V
It's been a few days since Mrs. Carmichael's funeral. My brother and friends have been giving me my space, I don't know when I want to start training back up again with Macaque. Still, kinda, you know, sad and a lot of other stuff.

Something good did happen. Ever since Redson gave me his number, I've been texting him to chat and talk, but most of the time, just to bother him.

He's not really a bad guy. Just texting him these past few days, I got to know a little bit about him. He likes inventing and eating spicy food. I can see the spicy food part. He is on fire most of the time.

It's true, though. He's not so bad when you get to know him.

🖤👧-Oh Hot Pepper...

🔥🌶-What do you want Shadow Girl?

🖤👧‐Nothing, just want to bother you some more.

🔥🌶_Well, don't. You're gonna want to hide or run today.



A loud explosion shook the whole apartment.

Immediately shoving my phone back in my pocket, I ran outside on the balcony.

I could see chaos on the streets. Bull clones ravaging the streets, but this time, they were somehow different.

Another boom shook the ground, and in the distance, I could see DBK, and just like the bull clones, he was different.

Jumping down off the balcony, and almost giving my friends, minus MK, a heart attack

"Woah, what's up with DBK?" Mei asked.

"I don't know, but I don't like the looks of this." Pigsy crossed his arms.

"Where is MK when you need him?!" Mr. Tang asked in a frightened tone.

"Hey! You still got me! DBK might seem different, but that never stopped us before." I looked towards my friends.

"But how are we gonna stop him?"

I thought for a moment before an idea came to me. "You guys think you can hold off the bull clones while I try to hold off DBK until MK gets back?"

"We can try kid, but are you sure about this? You know, cause of recent eve-"

I quickly cut Pigsy off, eyes twitching. "Yes! I can do this! We can do this!"

I whistled, calling my motorcycle to me. "Now, let's do this!"

"Y/n, wait!"

It was already too late, and I took off, heading toward DBK.

The more I got close to DBK, the colder I felt.

"Ah, the shadow returns." DBK laughed coldly.

I got off my motorcycle, staring at the Demon Bull Family. "Yep, it's me, here to stop you."

"Hah, as if you could stop us Shadow Girl, where's your brother, did he run away out of fear?" Redson laughs.

"No, Hot Pepper, he's training with Monkey King right now, don't know when he'll be back, and I don't care about that, but you have me to deal with until he gets back." I got into a fighting stance.

"You have no idea who you're messing with girl." PIF gave a dark laugh

"I'm pretty sure I do, so...HYAH!"

Charging at DBK, I summoned my shadow monster, going for a punch, but he grabbed my shadowy fist.

"You are a fool to do this alone." DBK cackled.

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