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Y/n's P.O.V
Macaque held Mei up by her throat, MK is weakened, I'm too scared to do anything, Sandy and Pigsy are trapped in ice, and Tang was horrified.

"Do it. Finish the ritual!" Macaque shouts.

"Alright, you win." Tang says in defeat.


Tang used whatever power he had, a golden light shooting up into the air, completing the ritual.

Mei stares at the rings. "No! Please, I-I wanna get off this ride!" She screams in pain.


"Stop!" Monkey King appears, but it was too late.

The ritual was completed, and Mei was now completely engulfed in red fiery flames that seemed to rage on.


I covered my face as a blast of heat was was thrown my way, looking up, I see the ice that covered my arm and face was gone, the same went for Macaque.

"It worked." Macaque smiled.

"What? Mei?! What's happening?! Don't worry, I'm coming for ya. Someone get some water. Stop, drop, and roll, Mei!" MK tried to run to Mei, but Monkey King pushes him out of the way.

"Mere water cannot extinguish the Samadhi Fire. Nothing can. The fire will destroy this girl and burn everything it's path." Nezha said, freeing Sandy and Pigsy from the ice.

"What?!" Mei shouted, the flames growing bigger.

"Exactly, what?! We can't leave Mei like this!" I looked at Mei, surrounded by all those flames.

She is my friend, I am not going to leave her behind.

"You! You ruined everything!" Monkey King turns to Macaque angrily.

Macaque tried to escape through a shadow portal, but Monkey King jerked him back through, holding up his fist.

Macaque turned his head away. "I didn't do this!"

I watched as this happened. Macaque looked scared, I never seen him scared before. He was afraid of Monkey King, but why?

"Stop! It was me! I mean, yeah Macaque forced me to do it, and I'm definitely starting to have second thoughts on the whole thing now but... I don't know how and I don't know why, I just felt like I had too... like it was... destiny." Tang stepped in.

"I hate to interrupted but can someone explain what is going on?! What's happening to Mei?" MK asks frantically.

Monkey King let's go of Macaque. "Okay, this is going to sound really bad, but hear me out."

"Wukong, what have you done?" Nezha turns to him.

"I made a mistake. During the ritual, a piece of the Samadhi Fire got away from me. I don't know what happened, but I guess, part of it was sealed away in the closest vessel that could contain it. My loyal companion, the White Horse Dragon, Ao Lie." Monkey King explains.

"Mei's great, great, great, times a thousand great-grandfather!" Sandy gasps.

"Making Mei the fourth ring!" I said in realization.

"You knew! All along you knew I had this thing inside of me!" Mei shouts.

"Mei. Hang on a second." MK tried to speak, but Mei was too mad.

"And you hid it from all of us! Why?! What were you afraid of?! That you were going to have to tear me apart to get your precious Samadhi Fire?!" Mei screams angrily, the flames becoming more fierce and powerful.

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