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Y/n's P.O.V
"Keep it moving." A guard pushed me.

I rolled my eyes. "Alright alright, take it easy, I almost just drowned, I think, I don't know."

The guard poked me with their spear, making me fall to my knees.

"Watch it!" I snapped.

"What is this?"

I looked up to see an old guy with scales, horns, and a dragon tail cape.

"I found her sinking outside the border, it seems she was under the influence of Lady Bone Demon." The guard explained.

I grabbed my head, seeing flashes of Lady Bone Demon, MK, the others, and Macaque.

I remembered what happened.

Lady Bone Demon possessed me, and I tried to hurt everyone.

But how am I back?

I looked down at my necklace, which was now red instead of blue.

My necklace.

Why do I get the feeling Redson's gonna kill me when he finds out I took it off?

"I see, imprison her just like the others." The dragon man ordered.

I immediately shot up. "Oh heck no! I don't know who you are Dragon Man, but imprison me, and there's gonna be chaos."

"I am the Dragon of the East Sea, Ao Guang, and you are an intruder in this place." He glared down at me.

I gritted my teeth. "I'll show you, intruder, in a sec."

I tried to summon my staff, but it wasn't working.

My shadow clones, not a single one.

72 transformations, absolutely not.

My powers, what happened to them?

I feel them still there, but it's like they're frozen.

I rolled up my sleeves. "I guess I'll just have to do this the old-fashioned way."

I jumped, going for a punch.


I paused mid-punch, turning my head to see Mei.

"Mei?" Tears started to prick my eyes, seeing Mei again.

Without warning, Mei tackled me into a hug, and this time I didn't protest.

"Oh my gosh, Y/n, I'm so glad you're alright." She squeezed me tight.

"Mei, it's so good to see you, I'm so sorry I tried to hurt you including the others." I hugged back.

Mei pulled away. "What? It wasn't your fault. Lady Bone Demon was controlling you, but thanks to that necklace of yours, we got you back." She hugged me again.

I stared at my necklace again.

Yeah, but for how long?

I can still feel her in my head.

"Enough of this! Take her to the dungeon with the rest." Ao Guang ordered his guards.

Two guards grabbed my arms and started dragging me away.

"Wait!" Mei stopped them.

The guards stopped, giving Ao Guang confused looks.

Mei turned to Ao Guang. "Oh many Great Uncle Ao Guang, please don't take my friend away like the others, she can stay with me and be my attendant." Mei gave Ao Guang the puppy dog eyes.

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