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MK's P.O.V
I grunted, pushing Y/n away with my staff.

She quickly recovered, going for a punch, but Monkey King grabbed her from behind.

I watched as Y/n threw Monkey King off her, charging at me again, but this time, Macaque got in between us.

"Y/n, I know you're in there, bud. Please listen." Macaque tried to get through to her.

Y/n paused, looking conflicted for a second before raising her fist and giving Macaque a right hook to the face, throwing him aside

I threw up my staff again as she hit her staff against mine.

"Y/n, stop! You're my sister, I don't want to hurt you!" I cried out, getting pushed back.

I balanced myself before I could fall off the mech.

"No matter what you do, you cannot change the path of destiny, history will repeat itself." Lady Bone Demon said.

"Ugh, what does that even mean?!" I grunted, pushing back Y/n again.

"You'll see." She smirks.


Y/n appeared right behind me, fast as lighting.

I didn't have time to react, my reflexes kicking in, I closed my eyes, extending my staff.


*Drip* *Drip*


I opened my eyes, staring at the sight in horror.

Y/n wasn't possessed anymore, but through her stomach, my staff had impaled her clean through.

I shrunk my staff to normal size, throwing it to the ground.

Y/n's body fell to the ground with a thump.

"No, no, no, no, no!" I ran to her, a pool of blood staining the ground, growing bigger each second.

I fell to my knees, tears already streaming down my face.

"Y/n, no, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, please be ok, please don't leave me." I cried over her body.

She was unmoving and lifeless, not even one ounce of life showing.

"Kid, are you...oh no!" Monkey King got back up, gasping at the sight.

Macaque came over as well. "MK did you--" He froze, seeing Y/n's body. "Y/n!" Macaque bent down.

"I-I-I didn't mean to, I...I..." More tears flowed down.

Lady Bone Demon was cackling. "I told you history will repeat itself."

I clenched my fists. "I will make you pay for this! For everything!"

"As if you have the power to stop me. With Y/n gone, I can finally rip the Samadhi Fire from the Dragon Girl!" She summons her bone demon powers, revealing her true form, and releasing her host body.

Macaque caught the little girl, and I picked up Y/n's lifeless body.

Me, Monkey King, and Macaque jumped down from the mech with Y/n and Lady Bone Demon's former host.

Our friends appeared, minus Redson and Mei saw the three of us.

"Kid--" Pigsy froze, seeing Y/n in my arms. "No, Y/n, what happened?"

Tang appeared beside Pigsy, covering his mouth as tears pricked his eyes.

Sandy lowered his head, Puck flying off his shoulders, landing on my shoulder, chirping in sadness.

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