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Y/n's P.O.V
On Flower Fruit Mountain, we all sat in Monkey King's house, preparing a plan.

"Okay! Monkey class is in session." Monkey King announced.

"Smartie Kid is in attendance." MK said.

"Pull up some floor, little Lotus Prince. There's plenty of room at the front." Sandy patted a spot on the floor.

"I'm... I'm not gonna do that." Nezha said.

"I can't believe how many wise masters I'm getting trained by this season!" Tang said excitedly.

"Wise master, huh? Let me know when he gets here." Nezha retorted, only to be met with a crayon to the forehead. "I think you burst a stitch."

"Ah, you'll be fine. Big immortal baby." Monkey King said.

"So, you gonna tell us how you beat your old sworn brothers that hate you now, or what?" Pigsy crossed his arms.

Monkey King held up a box of crayons. "Do you want me to throw crayons at you? 'Cause I have a whole box."

Nobody said anything.

"That's what I thought. Now, listen up! If we're gonna beat Azure, Yellowtusk, and Peng, you've all got some learning to do. Peng is the most dangerous foe any of you have ever faced but the only thing they care about more than fighting is self-preservation. The moment the battle looks like it's turning against them, they'll flee." Monkey King explained.

"Peng's the worst." Mei groaned.

"He makes me want to cook him in a skillet." I added.

"Yellowtusk is tough, smart, and faster than he looks. He was a handful even before he had your weapons. But he's not a monster. Maybe we can make him see reason."

"That's not a super solid plan." Tang said.

Mei raised her hand. "Uh, excuse me. Well, what about Azure?"

"Huh. Nothing gets under his skin more than a monkey. Leave Azure to MK, Y/n, and me." Monkey told us.

"I have something to ask as well. Why am I joining the fight with Azure?" I asked.

"Because we need all the monkeys we can get." Monkey told me.

"Azure won't admit it but he has a thirst for revenge. Truth is, he's gonna be on Wukong like a bad smell." Macaque speaks.

"Like Monkey King doesn't stink bad enough already." I snickered, high-fiving Macaque.

Monkey King pointed a crayon at us. "Hey! I got the crayon, I do the sayin'! But don't worry. I almost beat the Jade Emperor single-handed once. Between the three of us, Azure doesn't stand a chance."

"Wukong, he has the Scroll of Memory. With it, he defeated the combined Armies of Heaven!" Nezha exclaimed.

"What if we get it out of his grasp?" MK suggests

"Yeah, sure. If we can do that impossible thing, yeah." Nezha answered sarcastically.

Nezha was immediately struck with another crayon as the couch fell backward.

"Great! Sounds like Nezha's on board." MK gestured to Nezha, who was lying in a crater on the ground.

After we finished planning, Pigsy, Tang, and Sandy were training, while Me, MK, and Mei waited for our turn to jump in.

Macaque stood in front of me. "Now, when you get in there, beat the crap out of Monkey King for me."

I saluted. "Yes, da- sir."

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