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Y/n's P.O.V
Me, Mei, Sandy, and MK were on a cliff while MK tried to use his powers.

"Okay, MK. Time to look inward. Time to reclaim the power. Time to shout out till the whole world hears--" Mei encouraged him.

"Here comes Monkie Kid!"

"You can do this bro."

"Go MK!"

"You can do it!"

MK grunted trying to use any power he could, but failed in doing so. "I can't do it."

I gave MK a comforting pat on the shoulder. "You did it before MK, you'll do it again."

"Yeah. Maybe it's like Monkey King said. The power will come when you need it most." Sandy spoke.

"But what use am I if I can't be sure my powers are gonna work? And Gold Vision? That's like the baby power. And I can't even do that. I'm not even as good as a baby. So what about 72 transformations, or duplication, or shrinking? Or- how am I meant to fight the Lady Bone Demon?" MK sagged his head in defeat.

"All we need are some fancy-looking rings, then we can light her up, and speaking of powers, Y/n?" Mei said.

"Yeah?" I turned my head to her.

"Have you tried using those ice powers again?" She asks.

"Nope, don't wanna. When I used it, it felt wrong, and I don't want to hurt anybody." I look down at my hands.

"Hey, you four, we're leaving!" Mr. Tang shouted from the T.E.A.

"Tang, don't just yell, I could do that!" Pigsy shouted as well.

"Oh. We better go." MK got up.

"Wrong way, MK. They already pulled up. Get a move on." Mei said, getting in the T.E.A.


How did they pull up so fast?

The four of us got into the T.E.A and we started driving off.

I sat on my bed, putting Mr. Macaroon in my lap as MK pulled out the map.

"Hey, Pigsy, I'm looking at the map here and I think-- are we going in the wrong direction?" MK asks.

Pigsy didn't respond.

"Yeah, we're meant to be going towards the sunset, Pigsy. Why are we driving east? Pigsy?" Mei looked around in confusion.

"Mo? Where are you, little guy?" Sandy started looking around for him.

"Puck's not here either." I jumped up realizing Puck wasn't here either.

"Something's-- something's wrong. Pigsy? Tang?"

We walked up front, seeing no one in the passenger seat or the driver's seat.


"Something weird is going on. Where are the others?" Mei looked around.

"Sandy? Did you build this van to drive itself?" I asked him.

"Oh, I wish." He replied.

"So that's a no. Should we probably stop?" Mei suggested.

All of a sudden, the lights started turning off and on, flickering here and there.

Sandy panicked a little. "All right. Who turned off the lights?"

"The lights. They're all on off. On. Off." MK exclaimed.

"Woah, who could've noticed?" I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing creepy about this at all. Did you guys hear that?" Mei spoke up.

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