Two: insufferable women make me want to scream

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I'm not really sure what to think as Daphne and Neptune walk into the food car.

This is, of course, my first year mentoring. Something about it feels... wrong. Off. Uncomfortable. Neptune is older and bulkier than me, and Daphne is right at my age. Usually, a victor is at least a year or two older than their pupils.

"The first ones are always the hardest." Mags whispers to me before the tributes sit down. "Just take it easy, son."

Son. She took to calling me that, though I don't know why. It doesn't bother me, though. In fact, I like it.

"So!" I go for a smile as Daphne sits right across from me. She doesn't even look like she's been crying, but I know she has. I heard her. She hangs her head a bit, her fluffy chestnut hair obscuring her face slightly. She wears what appears to be a homemade necklace, and threads all in her hair with some matching charms. I've never seen it before- it's rather unique, really. But, I can't say it's ugly. "How are we feeling?"

"Pretty good." Neptune nods as he starts chowing down on a piece of chocolate.

"Fine." Daphne says. Her voice is steady as rock, and she picks her head up to look at Mags, but not me. Weird. I've gotten used to all eyes being on me, that I feel a bit shocked, which sounds like I'm up my own ass.

"Tell us a bit about yourselves." Mags offers a kind smile. She's the kind of woman who clearly looks like she was beautiful in her youth. She still has beauty now- not an attractive beauty. Liking granny's isn't my thing. But a regal, refined beauty that makes you feel warm and cuddly inside.

Daphne says nothing as she eats a small grape.

"Well, my dad is a butcher. My mom handles all the finances. And, my older brother works on one of the ships." Neptune sums up. He smiles as he talks, and seems social. Unfortunately, he has zero chill- unlike me- and he has a rather punchable face.

"How did you get your scar?" I prompt as I sip some coffee. Daphne stares at it in confusion for a moment before eating a cracker.

"Ah, I was learning to be a butcher as a kid, and the knife slipped." Neptune shrugs off. "Only time I ever made that mistake."

"So, I take it you're good with sharp things." I say.


I turn to Daphne and nudge her foot under the table, and she glares at me. Her eyes are dark brown, but as the train moves, sunlight occasionally catches them perfectly, and they manage to look like pools of honey for a few seconds. "And you?" I prompt.

She shrugs. "Good swimmer. Good with knots. Good with nets."

"And, weapons?"

She shrugs again, which is irritating. "Look, this isn't going to work out if you don't start talking."

"Finnick." Mags says softly, placing a hand on my upper arm.

"Well, forgive me for not being particularly chatty." Daphne snaps at me. "I have just been sentenced to my own death, and convinced my siblings I'd be back to play tag, so forgive my foul attitude."

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