Nine: my hamster is wild

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I wasn't surprised to see her kill that kid from 11. Seeder looked disappointed, but not surprised. What surprised me was the birds, and how she only suffered a few scratches.

I was especially surprised to see Bellona be so eager to kill her, and then, I was glad to see her brush off Daphne as a weakling.

Now, I watch as Neptune has enough confidence to light a campfire in the middle of the meadow, his career buddies around him. One night has passed, and it's about dawn now. They roast some sort of small rodent, trade stories and jokes, they laugh. Every now and then, the camera will give a split view of 4; Neptune having a campfire dinner, and Daphne weaving nets with nothing but vines and even a dead snake.

"Odd." Mags says.


"Using a snake. Odd." Mags repeats as she eats something chocolatey. She pushes a square to my lips and I accept, accepting the burst of cherry juice as my teeth crunch down. I quickly reach for more, which makes Mags laugh a bit.

On the screen, I see Bellona and 3 tracking down Daphne, but they don't get very far. Bellona almost seems like a tracker, but when Daphne's tracks stop and become erratic, like she was flailing (she was), Bellona starts up a mini tantrum and wastes time throwing her spear as a tree while 3 sets a trap for dinner.

"Maybe they picked her up." He supplies. "Like they did that one girl."

"Or, the stupid slut is still alive." Why does Bellona have such immense hatred for Daphne? Daphne reported that they had a very small negative interaction once before, in regards to Daphne eating the camouflage station, but this feels a little unwarranted.

Oh. Watching Bellona and Neptune eat makes me think that I should probably feed Daphne, too. I swear, having a tribute is almost like having a pet hamster! They're very needy, and if you ignore them even once, they just... die. Daphne is also about as annoying as a hamster, so I think that's a good way to think of her.

As I get up, Mags grabs my hand. "Not yet."

I pause. I don't bother questioning Mags, since she's seen four times as many Hunger Games as years I've lived, but it does bother me. She points to the screen, where Daphne is setting up her trap right before the strait that leads to the piney woods. Once she's satisfied, she begins weaving another net.

"She's smart." Haymitch moans, clearly drunker than anyone else. I realize it's just slightly after four, and he's acting like this. "Smarter than... than..." He slumps forward and passes out. Chaff reaches over and grabs Haymitch's drink, and starts working on that as the time passes.

Daphne sets a second trap at the other strait that leads to the meadow.

Perks of being a fishing district- we're very good weavers! Not-so perks of being a fishing district?

There are none. We are the best.

Daphne is pulling two vines together, now, and she dives into the water. She honestly doesn't even seem to peer inside for dangers anymore as she swims to the tree she'd been holed up in the previous night. I can faintly see the spot where she killed the boy from 11- blood still splatters the ground where the girl was killed- but I ignore it as I see Daphne tie two vines together, twist them into one, and wrap them around a tree root. It stays in the water, clearly noticeable- but not all the way from the strait.

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