Forty-Nine: we make that bitch pay BANK

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I wake up to the sound of someone yelling at me. I pick my head up from the pillow, tiredly looking over my shoulder. Finnick's head is buried in my chest, and my arms are around his waist, so I doubt he can hear the way that Marina is hollering.

"Get up! Do you have any idea how late it is?! You were supposed to be at prep thirty minutes ago!" She's screaming. She rips away the blankets, then subsequently screams and tosses them back on. "Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy!"

"Yes, very." Finnick mumbles tiredly into my chest, his voice deeper and more of a slur. His arms around my waist tighten, and I close my eyes again, soaking in the smell of his hair.

"GET UP!" Marina screams.

"Fuck off." Finnick moans. Marina starts babbling down the hallway, complaining to Kano, who tells her she can either drag- quote; "Their naked asses out of that bed"- or she can wait for us to get up on our own time. Finnick starts tiredly kissing my collarbones.

"If you don't get up, I'm gonna bring Mags in here." Marina grits.

Finnick rips away. "Yup, that'll do it!" Marina closes the door, letting us at least put on robes. We have to get prepped for the interview tonight, anyways, so there's no point in actually getting dressed. Just before Finnick opens the door, he kisses me, gently placing his thumb under my jaw. And just like that, he leaves.

Marina stomps on in. "My, I cannot believe this!" She moves my hair and robe back, revealing the trail of hickeys that go from right under my jaw to my belly button. "Please tell me those don't go further."

"Show me the dress." I say instead. Marina whimpers, and calls my prep team in.

They all start to work at me. First, they dunk me in the bath, all three using various soaps, shampoos, conditioners, moisturizers, and exfoliates on every part of my body. Then, they shave me clean. Then, they wash me again, but with less products. Then, they dry me off and brush my hair. It's this whole long ordeal that takes several hours. They do my nails, my toes, my lips, my eyebrows. They trim my hair, but leave my wraps in for the night. I'll have to take them out after, unfortunately, since they aren't allowed in the Games. I don't even have a district token with me. I chose to leave it all at home since I had an idea what was going to happen. The only thing from my district going in with me will be Finnick, but he won't be coming out with me. Neither of us will.

The entire thing isn't bothering me nearly as much as it should. I suppose nine years of shoving everything aside has an effect. Like I turned off my emotions, and I can't turn them back on. Maybe it'll truly hit me once I'm up on that podium, running for the cornucopia, killing my friends.

Once I'm finally prepped and they've used special ointments to magically make the hickeys vanish, I get to see the dress. It's revealing, that's for sure, but it's so much different than usual.

I turn to Marina. She blushes a bit, and looks away.

"I wanted to make you beautiful one last time." She says. "I wanted you to be what you are; fluid, graceful, every emblem of the Sea Herself. I-I don't like you or Finnick very much... but it's what you deserve. You made me more famous than anyone else did."

Lost at Sea || Finnick Odair x OC (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now