Battlefield: Dark Fiery Abyss Pt. 2

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I managed to get out of the way before its tail was able to drag me down. It snarled and once more blew fire in my direction.

"Son of Uriel, It's a pity you won't be able to see that wretched child of yours. I promise when it's fed to me, I'll savor it" It laughed.

"On the contrary Leviathan, I think I'm the one who's going to have a nice bowl of dragon stew" I charged at it with my sword.

The sound of my sword against its scales were like metal against metal. I couldn't pierce through it no matter how hard I tried. After a while I began to feel tired and I knew it sensed that, he blew fire at me and I could barely dodge it.

"Son of Uriel, you bring shame to the archangels. Especially your father, just look at yourself. If I were to snap my jaws at this precise moment, you'd be in my stomach in seconds." It said showing its teeth.

It growled and let out a roar before charging at me.

Damn, this is it...

Suddenly I felt someone push me out of the way. I hit the ground and felt dizzy again, I don't know what it is that makes me feel so weak. Perhaps the fumes around me...

Gabriel: Too much for you Taehyung?

"No one said trained me to defeat a demon who doesn't even have a weak spot" I said.

Michael: Gabriel! Watch out!

Gabriel grabbed me as fast as he could then flew upward before the beasts tail smashed us.

Gabriel: Kid you need to get over the sulfur smell.

"Sulfur... That's what's making me dizzy?" I asked.

Uriel: Son, are you alright?

"Have you seen Jezebel?" I asked.

He shook his head.

Michael: No big deal, I'm fighting Leviathan off myself. It's not like I need help or anything!

Gabriel: Taehyung can you fly on your own?

I nodded. "Go help Michael."

He let go of me and went to help Michael.

Uriel: You made it here way before we did. I assume you didn't have lots to deal with.

I looked at him in disbelief. "Really dad?"

Gabriel: Let's have the family reunion later! We're dealing with a dragon at the moment!

Uriel: The others should be arriving soon. Come on.

"Others?" I asked. "Like other Angels?"

He nodded and withdrew his sword.

I did the same and we went to help Gabriel and Michael. Even they were struggling, Leviathan wasn't exactly something easy to handle. That thing had so much strength, a couple of times it managed to knock down Michael also Gabriel. Their swords made sparks as they hit its scales, it roared loudly and breathed fire. It seemed hopeless, but then I heard the sound of a trumpet. A bright light filled the abyss and the creature was now fully visible, I could see through the water which before seemed black. It was in fact crystal clear, its body seemed like it had to end, it's scales gleamed with the light that filled this place and the presence that was among us now was so peaceful. I didn't feel nauseous or dizzy any more. I felt my strength being returned, we were all being rejuvenated.

"What is this?" Leviathan snarled. "Who dares invade this place?!"

"I am Azrael and with me I bring an army of Archangels to defeat thee"

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