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Gabriel: Michael, use Requiem. If you don't I'll have to kill him, his glow and aura is becoming unusual.

I laughed sinisterly and felt like the darkness once again began to consume me. I thought it was gone...why is it back? I can't control it...I'm losing control of my body.

Uriel: Taehyung, fight it.

Michael: Out of my way Uriel, this needs to be done.

Uriel: But if you do that, he could regain memories of you know what

Michael: It's either that or let him be consumed!

I turned my head, my neck making a disturbing crackling sound as I did so.

"Regie Satanas." My voice groggy and demonic.

Gabriel: Do it now Michael!

I let out a terrifying scream.

Michael came towards me with a long red firey sword.

With my bare hands I stopped it from inflicting me.

Michael's eyes widened.

Gabriel then came in pursuit of me, I bent the blade of Michael's sword and laughed.

Gabriel attacked but I was able to keep up with both of them.

I snarled and growled.

Gabriel: Why is he like this?! Uriel! Do something!

Uriel: Slit the palm of his hand! Quickly!

I growled. "Noctem Aernam!"

Gabriel stuck part of his blade through my hand.

Michael: He said slit not cut through!

Gabriel: There wasn't much choice! Uriel hurry it up!

Uriel: Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus. Hanc animam redintegra, lustra! Lustra!

I gagged and fell onto my knees.

Uriel: Grab him! Pin him down!

They managed to do it and once again father repeated himself.

Uriel: Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus. Hanc animam redintegra, lustra! Lustra!

I let out a roar then everything went black.


When I came to again, my vision was unclear. Everything was a blurred mess, I saw the outline of those around me yet I still couldn't make out who it was. They hadn't even noticed I was awake, I assume their backs were turned towards me.

Michael: He can't be without his power.

Gabriel: But he has to store them away

Uriel: You saw what happened, if we don't let him keep some of his grace then he'll be vulnerable for the demons.

Gabriel: And here I thought this was all over with...

Namjoon: Laila's resting now, she's going to be fine. Yo Mr. Kim your wife's here.

Uriel: Yes, I called for her. I'll be up shortly but we need to figure out a way to keep Taehyung from losing it. It would seem like the only thing keeping the darkness at bay was the power and grace within him.

Namjoon: That Jezebel really fuc-

Gabriel: Ahem.

Namjoon: That Jezebel sure screwed him over...

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