A Discovered Realm

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The weekend went by quickly, I haven't dreamt snout anything since experiencing that nightmare. Pyscho girl has left me alone too...


I spoke too soon. I sighed. I'll just ignore her.

"Taehyung! Wait up!"

I began to pace myself.

I felt someone tackle me from behind. I fell forward.



"Oops. Sorry....are you okay?"

"Get off me you narcissistic girl! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I exclaimed.

"Narcissistic?! Who you calling narcissistic?! You're the one who's deaf! Can't you hear me calling after you?!"

"One thing is to hear you and the other is to ignore you! Stupid annoying girl! What part of stay away from me do you not understand?! Aish! Get off of me!" I said as I squirmed around trying to get her off my back.

"No way! You're being rude! I don't listen to rude people! Say you're sorry!"

"Sorry?! What the hell?! YOU attacked ME!"

"I'm not moving~" she said.

"Enough!" I tried getting her off but failed. "Ugh! What the hell!"

"I can't hear you~"

So annoying. So damn annoying.

I sighed. "Sorry..." I muttered.

"What was that?" She asked.

"I said....Sorry...."

"Come again?"

"Sorry! I said sorry! Get off already will ya?!"

She got off of me and helped me up. I pulled away.

"Hmph." I scoffed as I began walking again.

She walked beside me. "So how was your weekend?"

"None of your business." I muttered.

"Mine was pretty good. I helped my mom around the house and got to paint my room, also went grocery shopping then went to the movies. Did you go anywhere?" She asked.

Why is she still talking to me?

"Do you like horror movies?"

-_- Can't she take a hint?

"What're your hobbies? What do you do on your free time?"

I balled my hands into fists. Why does she insist?

"Taehyung, why are you so mad? Does it bother you that I'm trying to be your friend?"

"I don't need friends. Such a thing doesn't exist so stop trying to act like we're the best of pals, it's not going to happen." I said in a serious tone.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Because I said so."

"You shouldn't be afraid of change. Taehyung...change is good." She said.

My eyes widened and I stopped walking.


'Taehyung...Change is good.'

'Don't be afraid of change my love'

-End of flashback-

She stopped a few steps ahead of me and looked at me.

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