i. the beginning

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chapter one


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THE AIR WAS COOL AND FOGGY, FITTING ENOUGH FOR THIS DAY, REAPING DAY. The Reaping was an annual event, haunting each and every citizen of Panem no matter where they were from, excluding the Capitol. The Capitol thrived off of the chance to slaughter children, and use it as a reminder that they controls everything. No person is bigger, smarter, or stronger than them. The Capitol steals two children from each of the twelve districts each year and forces them to their death. Maybe an even worse fact, they force them to kill each other. Parents and families watch as their children die every year and the Capitol finds pleasure in it.

These chosen children become Capitol toys for a few days. They are broadcasted to the nation, made to look beautiful as if they hadn't been starved for the lot of their lives. After their time in the Capitol comes the Arena. Those who die in the Arena tend to be the lucky ones. The life of a Victor is full of pain. Post-traumatic stress, nightmares, and anger. The Capitol doesn't take twenty-three lives in these games, it takes twenty-four. Winning the Games costs your innocence, it demolishes your faith in humanity and all you feel is guilt.

At some point, guilt not only eats at you but consumes you. Humanity becomes shredded and destroyed. A Victor's identity is guilt. If they know how to play their cards, it won't show.

Victor's tend to originate from the upper districts, who remained in favor of the Capitol following the implementation of the Hunger Games. One, Two, and occasionally Four will train their children to be soldiers. Once they've completed their training, they are approved to volunteer. At this point, the Hunger Games have become their entire life. They aren't kids, they're barely human.

In District Eleven, those who are able work from sun up to sun down. They pick fruit, harvest crops, and herd cattle. Food is scarce in Eleven, every ounce of their hard work goes directly toward the Capitol, as does everything useful in Panem. All the people of Eleven know is to work until they die. Children who are able to work are excused from school, thought school is only an option until around the age of five. There are no teachers, because every single person who is able must work. Even children are used to pick the fruits from the highest branches.

District Eleven is the home of Octavia and Augustus, Children of Consus and Rhea Cirillo. The family works hard in order to keep their head above water. They are all strong and powerful, but they are also kind and generous. People in Eleven trusted them, even the Peacekeeper's gravitated in their direction. The Cirillo's home radiated a welcoming glow.

One day out of each year, however, none of the Cirillo family wore their usual smiles. The day of the Reaping brought fear and anger over the family. Consus and Rhea had feared every year that one of their children's names would be called. With Augustus at seventeen and Octavia at fifteen, the worst was still possible. All the parents could do was hope.

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