liv. another day, another war

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chapter fifty-four


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THE HONEYMOON DIDN'T LAST LONG. Finnick, Octavia, and Seeder arrived in the Capitol following Katniss Everdeen's lousy attempt at a sneak attack on Snow. She didn't make it far before Coin had a crew shipped out with her.

"Finnick? Octavia? You're with us?" Katniss asks once she realizes the couple approaching. Finnick gives a cheeky smile.

"Looks like it," Finnick replies. Katniss puts her arms around both of them, pulling them into a hug.

"That was a short honeymoon," Katniss says.

"We'll have to have one in the Capitol," Octavia half-jokes, to which Finnick smirks.

"Okay! Gather around!" Boggs calls, catching the trio's attention.

The three make their way over, circling the man.

"Squad 451, you are my unit. Lieutenant Jackson is my second in command," Boggs addresses. "Each one of you is elite in some form of combat, but we are a non-combat unit, so we're going to be following days behind the front-line troops."

Octavia tries to hide her unenthusic facial expression but fails. Finnick gives her a nudge.

"You are the onscreen faces of the invasion. The star squad," Cressida, a rebel, says, "It's been decided you're most effective when seen by the masses."

"So we're not going to fight?" Gale, Katniss' friend, interjects. Octavia remembers him from the night she was rescued.

"You'll do whatever you're told to do, soldier. It's not your job to ask questions," Boggs authoritatively states.

Gale responds immediately.

"Yes, sir."

"Our instructions are to shoot propaganda footage on the battle-scarred streets of the Capitol. You were handpicked to intimidate their forces,"

"And inspire surrenders."

"Even though we're going to be working on abandoned streets miles behind front lines, I guarantee you that wherever they put us will not be safe. This is a war zone. It is likely that we'll encounter both active pods and peacekeeper's."

Pods, as Beetee had explained, are an obstacle or weapon designed to trap or kill anyone in proximity of its activation. With every new bit of information, Octavia begins to question why she agreed to this. At least she got her katana back.

"You're considered high-value targets to the Capitol. In the event of capture, you'll be given a night lock pill, a poison that acts immediately." Boggs holds up a black bag, presumably filled with the pills.

"Lieutenant Jackson, do the honors," he hands his second the bag. The woman, Jackson, hands out the pills. Octavia eyes it suspiciously as Boggs continues talking. She didn't understand how it worked, but Octavia was never one to dwell on what she didn't understand.

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