iv. what comes before

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chapter four


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THE CIRILLO SIBLINGS ARRIVED IN THE CAPITOL SHORTLY AFTER REVIEWING THEIR OPPONENTS. Augustus kept one hand over Octavia's the entire train ride, to remind her that he was there. He can remember the days following Dimitri's death, how Octavia could hardly move from their bedroom. His death was brutal. Being forced to watch twenty-three children dying is not meant to be easy, but watching someone whom you'd loved so deeply be torn apart was the hardest thing Octavia had ever done.

Dimitri's Games was a large, abandoned shopping mall from before Panem had formed. The Arena had many different rooms containing all sorts of different things, the only weapons were what could be found throughout the mall. Dimitri had armed himself with a metallic bar that he'd pulled off the wall, it had been used to display clothing. He filed the tip of the bar into a sharp end that had the Capitol sure that he would win. He and Nala had lasted four days untouched. On the fifth day, it had come down to the pair from District Eleven, one from District Six, and three of the Careers, one of which had already fallen to Dimitri.

When the Careers found Dimitri and Nala, Dimitri rose to the occasion and did not spare a second. He pushed Nala in the other direction.

"Run," he told her. The girl ran through the mall until she could no longer hear the sound of Dimitri fighting the Careers. The tributes from One both fell to Dimitri during this fight, leaving the boy from Two left. Dimitri had exerted all of his power into taking down two Careers at one time, the boy from Two had the upper hand. The two boy's battle ended with both of them wounded in their abdomen's, they knew they would both die here.

The realization from the boy from Two distorted his face into just that, a boy. His facade crumbled as the pain began to subside and death began to overtake his body.

"I'm sorry." He whispers, a tear slipping from his eye.

"We all are." Dimitri says. The two boys hadn't reached adulthood and they never would, they were children. They took comfort in each other in their final moments.

Dimitri places a hand on the boys shoulder as they both take their final breaths as their blood floods around them. Their act of solidarity would be seen as rebellion, resulting in the Gamemaker's decision to kill Nala, the girl Dimitri swore to keep alive. The boy from Six won that year, but whispers of Dimitri and the district Two tribute's act carried on. The people of the Capitol call that games an abomination. That was the last of Dimitri Morrowson that anyone would remember.

Not Octavia, though. She remembered his smile. His laugh. She remembered how he held her through sleepless nights. She remembered how he died exactly how she expected him to die, kindly. He was a beautiful person, Octavia was never the same after he died.

Nonetheless, Augustus keeps his hand on his sister. Protecting her and reminding her that she still has him. Octavia feels grounded when her brother is beside her, even is such a foreign place like the Capitol. The siblings are being ushered off of the train and into a large building with many stories, with Brandi muttering how much they should love it. Augustus leads with Octavia behind him. The pair listen to Brandi speaking about their time here before they will enter the games. Tonight, they have the tribute parade. Brandi tells the siblings to prepare themselves mentally before meeting their stylists. Octavia and Augustus just nod, wishing to get this over with.

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