lix. home, sweet home

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chapter fifty-nine

chapter fifty-nine

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For a long time, Octavia Odair knew home to be District Eleven: the harvesting District where the people were kind, even to the undeserving.

Then, it was District Four: the fishing District where the sea is the most luxury most of the people could call their own.

What do these two things have in common?

They were never Octavia's home.

Home, to Octavia, was the golden-blonde, bronze-skinned, green eyed man who had taught her to live. As if he was created for her, Finnick molded into Octavia's world, taking her away from the horrors of their world and giving her enough love to create their own. He gave her a life to call her own.

Finnick is her home.

Home, to Finnick Odair, was the dark-skinned, brown-eyed, gorgeous woman from Eleven who showed him love through the world's hatred. Tailored perfectly
for him, Octavia healed all the parts of him that the world had wounded. She gave him a life to call his own.

Octavia is his home.

After the Snow regime fell, taking Coin with it in one fell swoop, Panem elected Commander Paylor of District Eight as President. President Paylor freed Panem, finally bringing peace to the land.

In District Four, Octavia and Finnick had settled back into what was once the Victors Village.

Across the street, Mags' home was used as a memorial, with flowers planted all throughout her front yard.

A list of names were engraved into a large plaque and set carefully in the flowers.

Mags Flanagan, Chaff Mitchel, Seeder Howell, Augustus Cirillo, Rhea Cirillo, Consus Cirillo. . .

The list goes on.

Inside Finnick and Octavia's home, Octavia was painting over the once gloomy-colored brown walls. She replaced it with a lighter green that she secretly chose because it reminded her of Finnick's eyes.

Each day, Finnick would catch a variety of fish. He'd take it to the village and give it to anyone who needed it.

Octavia spent her time helping where she could around town, mostly the hospital. Thankfully, the hospitals were the least busy places since peace became in Panem.

The people had rebuilt the districts from the ground up. They had rebuilt the town-square, adding in restaurants and shops. They had rebuilt the trading center, where people could buy and sell goods for an actually livable wage.

For the first time in decades, people weren't working for the Capitol, but for themselves.

Octavia had yet to see what District Eleven had made for itself, though she believes that the people made it special.

𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑮𝑰𝑹𝑳 ,  𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now